Movie night, brunch and mimosas

This last weekend was just how I like it.  I had a few fun things planned, but also a lot of free time to hang around the house, read and relax. I started off my Friday morning with a lovely face time call with my dear friend Kim. I cannot emphasize enough how much easier my iPhone has made (face-to-face) communication with my overseas friends.

I puttered around the house in the afternoon and then went for a run in the park. I haven’t run outside in ages and was instantly reminded why: I am very susceptible to meteoropathy.
I am not sure if that is the right terminology for what I am experiencing, but working out in hot weather makes my teeth hurt after a while. I read (and someone told me) that it’s caused by lack of oxygen and that I should pace myself, but I don’t think I pushed myself too hard, but strongly believe it has to do with working out outside versus inside, because I have no such problems when I work out at the (air-conditioned) gym. Anybody have any thoughts on that?


In the evening, J and I watched our favorite Friday night show, “Real Time with Bill Maher” and afterwards ” Philadelphia”. I know, the movie is from like 1993 or something, (and Tom Hanks is so young!), but honestly, if you haven’t seen it in a while (like I had), watch it again. It’s so worthwhile!

Saturday morning was for coffee and reading in bed. I started “MWF seeking BFF” by Rachel Bertsche for the Stratejoy Bookclub. Well, to be honest, I had been following Rachel’s blog for quite a while and I had the book lying around for a few weeks, so this was the perfect opportunity to finally pick it up and read it!


I did some house cleaning in the afternoon and we made our meal plan and ran our usual errands before cooking dinner and hanging out on the balcony. The weather was incredibly nice again this weekend! I also baked rhubarb muffins for the first time (thanks for the inspiration, Mandy and Lisa!) and they turned out great. Well, they tasted really good, but they looked a little funny as the top didn’t really rise up. Oh well. I still want to bake more with rhubarb though. I love the tangy sweet-and-sour taste of it!

Sunday morning I went over to Katherine’s house for Peaches-and-Cream-French-Toast-baked brunch and mimosas.  It was so delicious. We hung out by the pool for a while, sipped our sparkly drinks and chatted the morning away. Yay for local friends!


Later that day I stopped at Home Depot on my way home and picked up pots and plants to start my own little potted vegetable garden. I had been wanting to plant some veggies for quite a while, but never had a place to do it, but now finally I have a balcony where I can try my luck at growing some veggies. I am so excited. I am really hoping that I’ll be able to harvest something in a couple of months.
I planted basil and sweet peppers, strawberries, grape tomatoes and squash.


We made Trader Joe’s orange chicken (which Erin had repeatedly recommended to me) with rice and sautéed zucchini for dinner and it was so good (and so quick and easy to make!).
I totally recommend it. This will definitely go on our meal plan again.


Other good things this weekend:

iced coffee ♥ a nap ♥ making cards ♥ flip flops ♥ our neighbor’s supercute dachshund visitor  ♥ texting with my sister ♥ new nail polish ♥ phone-calls with my great-aunt and parents ♥ chips and guacamole for cinco de mayo ♥ blog reading ♥

How was your weekend, peeps?

  1. Sounds like a very lovely weekend! So glad to hear that you found some local friends to hang out with! Really like to hear more of that !!!

  2. What a fun weekend you had! Just enough relaxation and fun stuff. Yay!

    I’ve never heard of your teeth hurting when you run outside! Hope you can figure out what the issue is. I hate, hate, hate running on the treadmill.

  3. That’s it. I’m coming to hang out with you, Katherine & Amanda! I want to drink mimosas with you girls :)

  4. fun weekend! :) ryan and i went up to shasta to explore and all that good stuff.

  5. Sounds like you had an absolutely lovely weekend! I used to read Rachel’s blog, but stopped reading it some time ago. I’m glad to see her goal of getting published came true. Looking forward to hearing what you think of her book!

  6. Ah, your weekend sounds wonderful and the Peaches and Cream French Toast looks delicious! Good luck with your veggies! Hugs and thanks for the chat earlier today – so much fun! xxx

  7. That sounds like a great weekend! I love days where I can read and relax and enjoy a whole day filled with those things! Also, that french toast pie looks YUMMY! French toast is one of my favorite meals, but I rarely eat it. It’s such a treat!

  8. seriously your brunch day with katherine sounds so fabulous, i was so jealous of the twittering and instagramming, haha. but really, so glad you had such a lovely weekend, those are truly the best sometimes.

  9. Haha! That’s so weird, I’ve got the exact same grey pots for my basil! We’re gardening twinsies!

  10. Oh man…what a nice weekend. That zucchini looks awesome, by the way. I LOVE Trader Joes.

    My weekend was nice. CB and I took the dog to Erie. It was his first time at the beach. He LOVED it.

  11. Sounds like a damn good weekend! Let me know how that book is. Also, I’m totally going to try that orange chicken!

  12. Your weekend sounds amazing and so productive! And yay for a new book, looks like a good one! (I judge a book by its cover).

  13. Looks like a fun and delicious weekend! I am glad you liked the rhubarb muffins! I love rhubarb! My mom makes rhubarb slush every summer and it’s SO good.

    I love the movie Philadelphia. I haven’t watched it in a long time, but it’s so good!!

  14. I love your little balcony garden!

  15. Ooh can’t wait to see your garden grow! :) Brunch! YUM! mimoasas are the best, too! ;)

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