I believe…

Source: sweetmountain.tumblr.com via San on Pinterest


  • in long weekends and ample vacation time.
  • that most people are good people.
  • in rainy days on the couch under a blanket with a good book and a full pot of tea.
  • that not everything happens for a reason.
  • in being yourself over trying to be someone that you’re not.
  • in peace and justice.
  • that it is more important to forgive than to hold a grudge.
  • that girlfriends keep you sane.
  • in never giving up.
  • that it’s far better to fail, than not to try at all.
  • in family time.
  • in laughing until your belly hurts.
  • that highschool was one of the best times of my life.
  • in riding bikes in the rain.
  • in honesty and truthfulness.
  • in handmade cards and letters in your mailbox.
  • that it’s never too late to try something new.
  • that we’re all equal.
  • that the iPhone is one of the best inventions ever.
  • that sometimes it’s more important to make yourself feel good than to try and make everybody else feel good.
  • that there can never be too many photos.
  • that sometimes you just can’t fix problems for other people, they have to fix them themselves.
  • in kindness.
  • in dancing like nobody’s watching.
  • that some people will forever stay in your heart.
  • in daydreaming.
  • in a good, sweaty work-out.
  • in reconnecting with people that you haven’t spoken to in ages.
  • that some silly TV shows are absolutely acceptable evening entertainment.
  • that there is no such thing as too much ice-cream.
  • in reminiscing about the good ol’ times.
  • in Skype-dates with dear friends.


What do you believe?

This post was inspired by posts from Kate and Awmber.

  1. That sometimes you have to stop looking for love, and sit still. Often it is right in front of your eyes!

  2. … that true happiness lies within :)

    … that you’re one of the best friends one could ask for.

    … chocolate chip cookies

  3. This morning I primarily believe in espresso :)

  4. Ah! I’m doing this exact post tomorrow, inspired by Kate. Such a great list! We believe in a whole lot of the same things. :)

  5. I’m not sure about riding bikes on trains… but I also believe that the iPhone is one of the best inventions ever, that there can never be too many photos and especially in dancing like nobody’s watching!!

  6. I agree with so many of these, it’s hard to choose… so I’ll go with the technology one :)

    Aren’t iPhones the best? I think about that on a regular basis as well, haha!

    Beautiful post San!

  7. i believe that this post is truly lovely.

  8. Oh I just love this list so, so much and agree with all your beliefs, especially ones about kindness and iPhones!

  9. Yes, yes, yes to handmade cards & letters! And, you know, the rest of these.

  10. I believe in

    + what goes around always comes back around
    + pasta
    + that music makes my life go rounder and smoother.

    But I do agree in so many things with you. That really was inspiring. :)

    Here’s to a great start into the new week. xo.

  11. I believe you have some good points there.

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