Oh, how Pinteresting!


Source: leilockheart.me via San on Pinterest

Absolutely adore this picture!


Source: tearosehome.blogspot.com via San on Pinterest

Love the ruffle top!


Source: flickr.com via San on Pinterest

Camera Cupcakes! Awesome!

Source: thevintageapple.com via San on Pinterest

So true!


Source: thedailydigi.com via San on Pinterest

This made me laugh!


Those are some of my pins for this week!

Do you need a Pinterest account? Let me know and I’ll send you an invite!

Are you participating in Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesdays?
Make sure you link up on Michelle’s blog.

Happy Wednesday and happy pinning!


  1. I love this idea! I haven’t joined Pinterest yet, but it’s only a matter of time :)

    That cupcake is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a while! Want!

  2. wow. the quote. love it. so (painfully) true.

  3. what a beautiful picture! such a good idea

  4. Love the first pic and that quote is awesome! xxx

  5. Ha, I love that cartoon! I need to see that today, thank you!

  6. I totally LOVE the Cartoon!

  7. That first picture of the tulip that looks like the skirt? It’s gorgeous!!! I would like to frame it!!!

    Thank you so much for linking up today!!!!!

    Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

  8. The first photo is AMAZING!!! There are seriously creative people out there! :)

  9. that first picture is absolutely beautiful, love love it.

  10. can i just add my love for the first picture? so so so amazing.

    and, i have held out so far, but i must give in. can i have an invitation please???

    (rachelnels at gmail dot com)

  11. I looooovvee pinterest! I’m so addicted…I spent way too much time on that site!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I have only tried the Honey flavored Greek Gods yogurt…but it is certainly delicious! What is your fav?

    Megan :)
    ooh and my pinterest name is: https://pinterest.com/meganwalter/

  12. The question is: how do we let go of that life? Ah, I need the answer!

  13. Pretty pictures!! Thanks for sharing. Every single pic is really great!!
    Haha, and I just thought about Scrubs, because of what Dr. Cox once said to a patient: Du bist, was du isst. Also müssen Sie kürzlich einen alten Müllsack gegessen haben, oder?! … or something like that!!

    Here’s to a happy weekend, friend. XO and lots of love!!

  14. I love that Joseph Campbell quote. And the cartoon? Funny! :)

  15. Aw, what a cute little collection! :)

  16. Der Foto-Muffin ist ja supersüß!!!! Und das erste Bild gefällt mir auch sehr gut!

    Liebsten Gruß aus Köln :)

  17. That camera cupcake is TOO CUTE. I love it and want to put it in my belly immediately! :)

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