Giveaway Time with Chrissy from Whimsical Poppysmic


Hi, I am Chrissy and I blog over @ Whimsical Poppysmic about my life after moving to Chicago from Germany with my family 2,5 years ago, my crafts and whatever’s on my mind.

I have always had a passion for knitting and felt and I love sewing and embroidery, so last December I opened my very own Etsy shop Whimsical Poppysmic! It is so much fun creating new items and coming up with new ideas for designs and it is awesome to be part of such a great community like Etsy!

I love tweeting, so why don’t you come and tweet with me over here !


My sweet friend Chrissy offered to give away not one, but two of her awesome items from her Etsy shop Whimsical Poppysmic to my lovely readers! One lucky winner will win this supercute cellphone cozy and a beautiful hoop embroidery.


Mandatory entries:  

– follow Whimsical Poppysmic via GFC
– follow theinbetweenismine via GFC

Extra entries: 

– follow me on Twitter
– follow Chrissy on Twitter
– tweet about this giveaway mentioning @chrissyza and @san_in_ca

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
The giveaway will end on Saturday, June 18th, 2011 at 12 p.m. PST.

  1. Cute! I love the music notes. :)

    I follow both of you.

  2. I follow you both via GFC!
    What a lovely package this would be to receive!


  3. I tweeted ya both about this! :)

  4. oh i can’t believe i missed this. of course i’m in. i’d love to win. i’m following you and crissy already :)

  5. aaand … tweeted :)

  6. All right, that is such a cute giveaway, count me in. :)

    I’m already a follower of both your blogs … :)

  7. … also, I’m a follower of Chrissy’s twitter …

  8. … and I just send a request to your twitter, too.

    Thanks for sharing. XO.

  9. Suburban Sweetheart

    June 17, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    I follow you both! Her things are so cute.

  10. Suburban Sweetheart

    June 17, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    And of course, I follow you on Twitter.

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