Friday Link Love

Ikea: Where you can get a side table for $9.99, and where relationships go to die by Cezanne (Filleosophy). Even though I really hope she doesn’t mean it (I ♥ IKEA!), this post is hilarious!

One hour before the world is destined to end, a girl will find the courage to call a boy after six years by Hannah Katy (As Simple As That).

The View from up there by Ashlee (Where My Heart Resides). Pictures from Greece.

3 Easy Lightning and Technical Tips for Photography by Shannon (ShannonBear) via CampfireChic.

Felt Magnets – DIY Fun! {Tutorial} by Kim (EverythingEtsy).

Back to the 9th of May by Katy (Katy Loves). A sweet 2nd anniversary surprise! Must-see!

Any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?
Happy Friday!

  1. aww, that anniversary surprise is the sweetest thing. s nerdy but loooooove it!

    oh and the felt magnet DIY = love.

    PS: i just gave you an award on my blog.
    you’re welcome ;)

  2. Will check them all out – they all sound interesting!
    Enjoy the weekend girl!! Hugs xxx

  3. Aw, thank you for linking my post! He’s the sweetest and we both admit it was a bit nerdy, in the best way of course. ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing, girl. I love reading “new” blogs… Hope you’re doing good? Lots of love and a happy week. XO.

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