Recipe: Potato Casserole

potato-vegetable casserole


As promised, the last recipe for this month is for a super-easy and absolutely delicious potato casserole. You can make it (without the salted pork) as a side dish with pork cutlets or roast beef or you can just have it as an entree (it’s pretty filling).

Of course, as always with casserole dishes, you can substitute different vegetables for the broccoli and carrots. I could also imagine that  brussels sprouts, cauliflower, or spinach would be really good in this casserole dish. If you happen to try different ingredients, please let me know how you liked it.

  1. Broccoli and potatoes are two things that belong together. Any recipes that combines them is bound to be heavenly.
    .-= Terra blogged this: Getting it done =-.

  2. I love casseroles, they are so easy to put together and so tasty.

  3. mmmmh, this is one of my all time favorites <3
    i should make it again soon! thanks for sharing!
    .-= kim blogged this: 30 DAYS OF TRUTH DAY 18 =-.

  4. i might actually be drooling right now, YUM.
    .-= katelin blogged this: A beachy beachy Thanksgiving =-.

  5. I just put it in the oven! I love your recipes. So quick and easy!
    .-= Stefanie blogged this: On fall- Thanksgiving and staying up past 3 AM =-.

  6. This looks delicious! Cute blog – you have a new follower :)

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