Ending the week on a high note

So. I just booked a flight to Hawaii. Remember how a few weeks ago, I told you about a possible, work-related trip to… and then I didn’t want to jinx it and didn’t tell you? Yep. Now I can. Hawaii, it is.

I am so excited!

I’ve never been to Hawaii and always wanted to go. You need to know that Hawaii is one of the dream vacation spots for every European. It doesn’t seem like a big deal for any West Coaster, who can hop on a plane and go their in 5,5 hours, but for me, coming all the way from Europe to California, and now making the final jump over to Hawaii is pretty marvelous, to say the least.

Of course, it would have been much nicer to go there for a beach (and hiking/kayaking) trip with my husband, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. And right now that is a whole week on one of the smaller islands (where we’ll do some a whole lot of work) and possibly one day and night in Honolulu/Waikiki Beach before heading back. Can you say EXCITING?!?! :)

I know, I know, I won’t have very much time, but if you have any recommendations for Waikiki Beach, please share! I can easily spend the whole day at the beach and just soak up sun and enjoy the waves, but if there is any must-see in the area, I’d like to know about it. Also, I haven’t booked a hotel yet, so any recommendations in that regard would be highly appreciated as well.

With that said, I am ready for the weekend!

  1. I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, too. You’re going to have an amazing time!
    .-= ToBeAnnounced´s last blog ..TBL … abridged version =-.

  2. That’s awesome! I wish I could go to Hawaii for work :) We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon! We stayed at a golf resort inland and drove everywhere though, so I don’t have any hotel recommendations for Waikiki. The International Marketplace in Waikiki is cool and it’s within walking distance of the beach :)

  3. Yay! How exciting! I’ve lived in the US my whole life, but going to Hawaii is still a big deal for me, because I’ve never been! I definitely think it’s exciting that you get to go! <3 Have fun!

  4. yay! that is awesome. i love hawaii. i’ve only been once and it was one of the best trips ever.
    .-= katelin´s last blog ..Things that are awesome =-.

  5. Ok….so, email me. Since I did spend 5 years of my life in Hawaii, I do know a few things about the area….In regards to hotels: The Royal Hawaiian if you can get a good rate and personally I have had plenty of good nights at the W…now, I heard of this one, but never been, but it could be really cool, as you would be out of the Japanese tourist insanity that Waikiki Beach is https://www.castleresorts.com/Home/accommodations/the-lotus-at-diamond-head?sid=999

    If you have ANY TIME AT ALL, you should head to Lanikai Beach, because oh my god….most beautiful place on earth…https://www.portaloha.com/SecretsOfHawaii/KailuaBeach.htm

    Oh. That’s my few cents.:)
    .-= Fabulous´s last blog ..Protected- Thank you- possums! =-.

  6. Hawaii is a magical place! My first and only visit so far was 8 years ago and I probably didn’t appreciate it as much as I would right now because… well… I was a teenager. Since your time is limited, I personally would just hang out at the beach and relax. :) During my time there, I visited Pearl Harbor, the Polynesian Cultural Center, the North Shore of Oahu and other places.
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..The next big step – house hunting =-.

  7. Oh how wonderful! I hope you have a great time and soak up lots of sunshine!
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Friday Fil-Ins =-.

  8. OMG I am so excited for you (and also a little bit jealous)! I hope you have a fabulous trip.
    .-= alicely´s last blog ..Alexander the Great =-.

  9. Hawaii – how exciting!!!!
    Last year I spend my first vacation on Maui and it was fantastic. I definitly want to go again – even though we have almost the same weather condition here in SoCal, it’s still something really special!

  10. so aufregend! Ich freu mich fuer dich. Leider kann ich keine Waikiki Insider tips geben, aber es hoert sich so an, dass Fabolous das kann!

    Klappt das naechsten Sonntag?


  11. That is so so awesome. Even just being in that environment will be awesome, and spending a day in Wakiki will make the whole trip worth it. I need your job, I think. ;)

  12. Hawaii is absolutely amazing!! It’s totally unlike any other place I’ve ever been and has a unique sort of beauty. You’re going to love it!
    .-= terra´s last blog ..My short list of places I really- really- really want to visit right this damn second =-.

  13. This is so exciting! I’ve always wanted to go… enjoy!! :)
    .-= Emily Jane´s last blog ..Making a Dent =-.

  14. You’ll have an amazing time!! Hawaii is amazing, wherever you go you will have a blast – I think it’s one of those places where there is no wrong way to do it :)
    .-= Kyla Roma´s last blog ..The Delicious Kind =-.

  15. OMG, thats sounds great!! Would loe to got too.
    I am sure you will enjoy it a lot.
    Sadly – can’t give you any tips.
    .-= Steffi´s last blog ..Protected- Mom =-.

  16. That is so exciting! I hope you enjoy the trip.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..A note from me to you =-.

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