Time at the beach

{image via weheartit}

We spent the weekend in SoCal with my in-laws. Taking a long walk at the beach is always a treat! I wish I could have spent some more time. It always feels like a mini-vacation – without actually having to take time off. Double win!

  1. For a second I thought this was you in the picture. :) I am glad you had fun. Tell us more about it!
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Home Improvement: The Dining Room Edition. =-.

  2. Ah, a little mini get away! When do you leave for Germany? (Hopefully!) Anneliese is due for her heat at the end of May, so I hope the flights will be back to normal then.
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..The Dirt! =-.

  3. Yeah a walk at the beach in SoCal is always fun. Was your mini get away just for the weekend? Glad, you enjoyed it ;)

  4. The beach is always great!!! And in SoCal even more I guess due to great weather.
    Glad you enjoyed it!
    .-= Steffi´s last blog ..Easter Monday =-.

  5. Oh wow, what wonderful pictures! Glad you had a great time!

  6. OH, I miss the beach. I love it so so much, could stay there all day and all night. Hope you had a great time — pictures?

  7. I was just in SoCal last week! We didn’t even visit the beach…we are that lame. We did a lot of stuff, but no beach trip. I think my teenager would have been really irritated if I had made him walk the beach again with me, since I made him every day while in Mexico five months ago. We just aren’t beach people I guess…
    .-= kaylen´s last blog ..Green Giant Earth Day Giveaway =-.

  8. I am itching for the beach so bad!
    .-= terra´s last blog ..A new best friend (& a note about Bird) =-.

  9. Ahh, I thought it was you in the picture as well. Sounds like a lovely weekend.
    .-= Karen´s last blog ..Faking it? =-.

  10. cute pic of you. and sista your hair got pretty long, huh? yeah, i guess since we both lived inside of the country, the beach and the sea will always be something special for us and make us feel like a mini vacation.

  11. I also thought this pic was of you!
    The beach is such a refuge for me! I miss it…so, so much!

    Glad you had a great time!

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