Best of 09: Book

I am not sure if this is the BEST book I’ve ever read, but I really enjoyed “The Secret Life of Bees” and I have given away this book as a gift a couple of times. I have yet to see the movie and I am kind of hesitant, because I loved the book so much, and as everybody knows, rarely do movies based on books live up to your expectations.


Set in South Carolina in 1964, the Secret Life of Bee’s tells the story of Lily Owens, whose life has been shaped around the blurred memory of afternoon her mother was killed. When Lily’s fierce-hearted black “stand-in” mother, Rosaleen, insults three of the deepest racists in town, Lily decides to spring them both free. They escape to Tiburon, South Carolina – a town that holds the secret to her mother’s past. Taken in by an eccentric trio of black beekeeping sisters, Lily is introduced to their mesmerizing world of bees and honey, and the Black Madonna.

I love stories that have a historical part to it and I like to see the characters develop over the course of the book.

A few years back, I gave one of my close friends, who didn’t use to be an avid reader at all, a book for her birthday.
She first must have thought I had given her the most unthoughtful gift ever, as I knew that she wasn’t into books, but I just was so convinced that she would start loving to read, if she only could get herself to read this one book, that I took a chance.

I made a deal with her: “You read the book that I gave you and if you really don’t like it, I won’t try to get you into reading ever again.”

Needless to say, she loved the book, couldn’t put it away until she was finished, and she loved all the books that I have given her since :)

The Secret life of Bees was one of them.

  1. I like that Best of 09 idea. I have not read The Secret life of Bees, now I will :-).

  2. sounds good. Maybe I will read it :)
    .-= Tinka´s last blog ..Advent Season & Birthday =-.

  3. Guess what my book of the year is… you probably want to punch me in the face now… it’s TWILIGHT. ;)

    I have never heard of this book before but I make sure I’ll check it out when I got to the library next time.
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..More things that make me happy. =-.

  4. I have to read it if I find it:)
    .-= If it comes in pink´s last blog ..I love Hello Kitty? =-.

  5. yes, you gave it to me for xmas last year and i really liked it. and i would have been able to see the movie on one of my flights to philly, but i passed out, as usual, when ilka’s flying ;-)

  6. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s definitely on my list since I read several great reviews about it.

    What were some of the other books you gave to your friend?

  7. I read this book awhile ago, but I loved it! I, too, am hesitant to see the movie!

  8. Love that book too. Will not watch the film either. And I am 100% German too. :)
    .-= Mel´s last blog ..Best of 2009: Challenge =-.

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