Stuff Portrait Friday…on Tuesday!

Kristine over at is bringing her Stuff Portrait Friday back, only that it’ll be on TUESDAY, November 4th!

The theme will be:

On Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 — GO VOTE!  When you do, take a picture of something that represents this freedom.  The pen you used. The road you took to get there. SOMETHING.
If you voted early or by mail in…on November 4th , 2008…go take a picture of something you will no longer take for granted, something that shows us you have a voice and it matters!

Go to Kristine‘s website on November 4th 2008 and leave a comment and a link to your website.

Even if you can’t vote like me (for whatever reason, but not wanting doesn’t count! My reason is not being a US citizen!), participate!
Take a picture to show your support! Kristine wants this to be BIG, so spread the word!*

Oh, and if you can vote, but weren’t going to…. re-consider. You could go and vote in my name, because I am just as much effected by the outcome of this election as everybody else who lives in this country. Just make sure you check the “Obama” box. Thank you!

*(It might also encourage her to bring back Stuff Portrait Fridays for good! ;))

  1. Yes, great idea! Taking a picture and showing your support is awesome even though you can’t vote. Everyone should show their support any way they can!

  2. Most awesome! I hope we get at least 143 pictures. (my favorite number)

  3. Just make sure you check the “Obama” box.

    Hahaha, subtle, subtle. But I wholeheartedly agree. So much depends on this election, and we can only hope that the people who do get to vote check the right box (i.e. the ‘Obama’ box).

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