As you can see, I am jumping on the Bandwagon again and go PINK for October, because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and you can never be aware enough of a cause that important! Come on. A little pink can’t hurt!
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Since I returned from Germany a week and a half ago, I’ve been insanely busy. I was a little bummed leaving my family again and pretty much going straight back to work, but the fact that I was looking forward to another great weekend with friends (from Germany) made the...
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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My godson Friday, we were invited to have breakfast at my cousin’s place. I wanted to try and spend as much time as possible with my godson while I was there (since I don’t get the chance very often and I still would like him to grow up knowing who...
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I am back home after an incredibly short time in Germany (or so it feels). I was really not quite ready to go back (to work), but I won’t complain because I had a really wonderful time… and Christmas is only 3 months away! As you could tell from my...
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 Being home is simply wonderful, (and “exhausting”- hence the lack of blog posts). I unsuccessfully tried to keep my schedule somewhat flexible and open, but naturally, the days were filled with plans quickly. It’ll take a couple more posts to summarize my whole trip. As always, time is flying and there are only 3...
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…with my family. It feels great :) I just wanted to let you know that I made it safe and sound. I’ve been up for 29 hours and I seriousy need to get some sleep now. More later, my friends :)
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Ok people, has someone paid attention to the countdown in the right column? I am only two (!) days away from my vacation, which means, going home to Germany to see touch my sister’s baby-belly (if she lets me)! :) This is so surreal! As you can imagine, with all...
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