Brotherly company

Last weekend, we spent time with J’s brother. It was fantastic. We hadn’t seen him for about 9 months, suffice it to say that J was really excited to spend time with him. I, of course, could relate as I am counting down the days until I’ll see my sister myself :) Only 10 more days!!

On Friday, we made a trip to the Bay Area, more precisely “Tomales Bay”. It’s a long narrow inlet of the Pacific Ocean north of San Francisco and is formed by a submerged portion of the San Andreas Fault.

Tomales Bay 

It’s well-known for it’s oyster farms where you can stop and buy fresh oysterns and also have a picnic and eat them raw or bbq-ed. Well, to be honest: neither does it for me, but J and his brother love oysters. I personally think they’re pretty yucky.

Anyhow, unfortunately we left way too late on Friday afternoon and made it to Tomales Bay around dinner time. Obviously, we didn’t bbq but decided to have dinner at one of the numerous seafood restaurant along Highway 1 :)
I had fresh clam chowder – delicious!- and grilled Monterey sardines. J had seafood pasta and his brother had the oysters. I tried one. Again. Yeah, still yucky.


Seafood Dinner 

As you can see from the pictures, it was cloudy and cool in the Bay Area.

Tomales Bay 

Saturday we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant and went shopping afterwards. J’s brother loves stationary stores (as much as I do), so we usually go and spend some time there when he visits.
We also followed the news quite a bit, because Barack Obama finally announced his running mate for the presidency, Senator Joe Biden. I am pretty pleased with his choice, I guess. I still had hoped that he might pick Hillary, but that obviously wasn’t in the cards.

Later that night we watched “54”, a movie about Studio 54, the famous New York City disco club famous in the late 1970s. The film was  starring Salma Hayek, Ryan Phillippe and Mike Myers as Steve Rubell, the notorious cofounder of Studio 54. Very good movie. I recommend it.

Sunday, we pretty much hung out at home… oh, and we went shopping again. But I’ll tell you about that in another post ;)
We took J’s brother to the airport last night and that was the end of the weekend. We had a great time, but as always, it went by way too fast.

  1. I just love seafood. In fact it’s one of the easiest parts of my diet.

  2. Mhm, I would die for a good, fresh grilled sea-fish right now.
    I am so jealous that you life close to the sea and can go there on the weekend if you like to.I am longing for my holiday next year!!

  3. it’s great you guys got to spend some time with C. family is always good times! and i actually like oysters – pretty much like all seafood. YUM! *droolsatyourpictures* see you in eleven days!!! :)

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    The Dackel Princess

  5. yuck, i hate oysters. i think they are disgusting. i could only have them bbqed. but raw, no way. i would have preferred your dinner a lot more:-)
    i hope after my bad news we are able to see each other soon.

  6. Awww, that trip sounds like so much fun! The seaside even has its charme on a cloudy day! Beautiful Bay Area!

  7. oooh, that sounds fun! i’m glad you are well. sorry for not commenting too much lately! i’ve been super busy. i blogged today! :)

  8. ah ok so that was the story behind all the cool photos! :) nice!!

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