
This is what I am doing these days. I know, women are said to be very good at that and I agree. I don’t get overwhelmed when I am trying to juggle multiple tasks at the same time. In fact, it makes me feel more productive.

Downside? There are not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. Like, not even remotely.

Does anyone else feel like that from time to time? Hence the absence of any meaningful updates lately.

Anyway, I had a great Easter weekend. We didn’t really do anything special, but the weather was very nice. This makes me particularly thankful when I heard that you guys in Germany had snow! It’s a couple of days into spring and you had snow. Unbelievable!

I baked Easter bread [a sweet yeast bread] for Sunday and bought some Lindt gold bunnies [Good lord, they’re expensive!], so that we had a little bit of an Easter feeling. Since we don’t get Good Friday and Easter Monday off, Easter didn’t really feel like a “holiday” to me.
I ran the usual weekend errands [grocery shopping, appointment at the nail salon, etc.] and also did the ususal cleaning procedure at home. I am barely there during the week, how come it always needs to be cleaned at the end of the week?!
Oh yeah, and just in case somebody is interested… I tried two new (old) recipes last weekend. Chicken fricassee and Sauerkraut with pork. I might add those to San’s Cookbook a little later.

P.S. As you also may have noticed: I added a new gadget to my sidebar. You can now subscribe to this blog by email. Isn’t that something? :)

  1. I signed right up!
    Glad that Easter went well. Love Lindt Chocolate, but until I have lost the rest of my weight (25 more pounds) no chocolate for me.

  2. cool feature! Love ya

  3. *raises hand* totally there with you when it comes to not enough hours in the day… i haven’t even managed do look at the pictures from the baptism on monday yet. seriously. it’s insane. but i told you all of that on the phone so i won’t get into it again… just wanted to say: feeling the same way. hence the lack of not just meaningful but really any updates from me lately…

    oh and don’t you love that feed burner? i found it when i set up a site for a highschool-reunion we’re planning and implemented it on my site a bit ago, too :) *smoochie*

  4. Hehe, I’m so with you on the multitasking and feeling so much more productive then! Well, all easily said when you are just having 4 poductive days in between vacations;-)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. hi sweetie

    I am glad us women are able to multi task because how else would we take care of our man??? :) thanks again for helping with the linkthing. it works I got your update! yeah!!! did you try mine as well? kisses

  6. Oh yeah I hear you! Not enough hours in the day…
    Sounds like your easter was lovely. What a bummer that you didn’t get any holidays off, though! :-/

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