I am going pink!

As you may have noticed, Ive got myself this cute pink and flowery theme to bring attention to the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

It seems like everybody knows someone who is, or was, directly, or indirectly, affected by cancer. My Grandma died of breast cancer in 1982. I was not even 6 years old and didn’t understand what had happened to her. I only knew, she was gone and I missed her terribly.

I guess, back then there was a lot less you could do about this diagnosis than today. Maybe she could have been a survivor, if cancer had only hit her just a couple of years later down the road.

I have heard of so many people lately who were diagnosed with cancer [not just breast cancer] that it really has become kind of scary. It makes you realize that we’re all vulnerable and that it could hit anyone at anytime. Therefore, it is so importrant to take the initiative, even if you are not personally affected in your family, and raise awareness so we can fight this. I’ve just recently learned that men can also get breast cancer, so nobody should look away.

That is why I am going Pink for October this year. I think it’s a good cause to support and you should all consider doing the same. A little pink twist won’t hurt your blog, now would it?

  1. wohoooo! YAY for pink october! :)

  2. Sadly, it is true. I had my own scare two years ago, but all is well. Still, I remember the pain, the scare. And to think that women each day are diagnosed.
    Have your mamograms and do self exam. It’s so important!

  3. Yes, cancer is a bitch…

  4. Note to myself: Call the gynecologist. Make an appointment. It’s been way too long since the last visit.

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