
Ok… a new week has started. What did we do on the weekend? Oh yeah, J and I hung out with Susi again *remember from last weekend?* and went to “Yoshi’s Jazz Club & Japanese Restaurant” in Oakland. First we had Sushi for dinner… well, I actually acquired a taste for it in the last few months and there are some things that are really delicious … and then we went to see the “Roy Hargrove Quintet” at the Jazz Club. It was so cool! Unfortunately the end was really abrupt… the light went on and we had to leave. Susi and I were quite surprised to be taken out of this great atmosphere like that. We would have liked to enjoy it a little more. Oh well. It was only around midnight so we decided to go to another bar down the street and they also had live music there which was cool We really had a blast.

Sunday was pretty much relaxing and hanging out at home. Oh, and not to forget.. J and I took a looong walk… at least 1,5 hours. We were sweating cause it was around 92 degrees and of course I got a little sunburned It’s my own fault, I guess.

Talk to you later.