Does anyone do his/her job these days?

I think all postal delivery services have ganged up on me. It’s getting to the point where my experiences with the postal services beggars all description.

I had ordered a case for our camcorder through Amazon at an Online Store at the beginning of April. The order information stated that it would be delivered between April 13 – 17. So far, so good. As you can imagine, the case wasn’t delivered within this time frame and neither in the following days.
Last weekend, I decided to send the Online Store and email to find out if the shipment had been delayed for some reason. I instantly received an email back which provided me with a tracking number and the information that the shipment had been sent out via UPS and should have been delivered already. Interesting – well, not here.
When I checked out the UPS website and typed in the tracking number, I received the information that the package was delivered on April, 20 [last Friday] in West Caldwell, New Jersey.

WTF??? How could my package end up in New Jersey and how could someone actually have signed for it? Did they mix up orders? Was there a wrong address label on the package? I was beginning to lose my faith even in UPS and so I called Customer Service of the Online Shop today to find out what was going on here.

To some relief, it turned out that the address in New Jersey was the postal address of the Online Shop – which means that the package was returned to them for some reason.
The customer service representative asked me for my correct address and now get this: The package was most likely returned because they had the “1/4” of our address not right behind the street number, but in the line underneath the street address.

I mean, come on. Couldn’t have someone been able to figure this out? This is ridiculous. Even if they only had our street number and not the actual apartment number [which is “1/4”], there are only two apartments in our complex with our street number. How people can mess this up is beyond me.

On a good note, they sent out the case again and it’ll be shipped overnight. It should be here tomorrow then. Keep your fingers crossed.

P.S. I promise I won’t write about any problems with the Postal Service for a while. I know it’s getting annoying – I just thought you should know that there is always something that tops the previous incident.

  1. like i said: BS! also, this is not what you told me you’d write about, is it? because you already told me this on the phone so it wouldn’t make sense… thanks so much again for your call. it was good to talk again! *smooch*

  2. I think it’s entertaining… What freakos! So sorry you are having all this bad luck with the postal services around the world. Any news from the Deutsche Post?

  3. well, everybody is posting about what annoys us, and when it annoys you more than once it’s tragic but not boring for us. so, i guess any postal service is friends with you.which sucks big time. fingers are crossed for the delivery.

  4. That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time… Good luck! If they screw it up again, I’ll go over there in 2 weeks and kick some boo-tays!

  5. Oh geez, the postal service sure loves you! Cannot believe that they have no common sense to figure that out! Hope you actually got it yesterday!

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