Kristine hasn’t been doing too well lately, so Shaun is hosting SPF this week. Thanks Shaun!

1. Your Roof

Your roof

Ok, this is my roof. There’s been a lot going on up there lately ;)

2.Your ‘hood (you can do sweatshirt, your neighborhood, your car…)

Your hood

This is the the view out of our bay window. It’s a really nice neighborhood with huge trees along the street. Westwood village with its shops and cafés is within walking distance. Nice!

3. Something you would not want to run into that is in your house.

Something I would not like to run into that is in your house.

This is the stupid simple “bed frame” [I am not sure if you can even call it a “frame”] underneath our bed. I hate it. I hit my foot twice and it hurt! We’re going to get a REAL bedframe next week. Yay!

Happy SPF, and let me know if you played ;)

  1. OUCH!!! That must’ve hurt!!! You’ve got the prettiest eyes :-)

    I played!

  2. Hey San,

    I love the view out your window. No kidding you’re in a nice neighbourhood!!

    Great roof pic too! ;)

    Here’s to a new bed frame! I can’t wait to have a nice one either.

  3. OUCH. Those things HURT.

  4. I so love the view out of your window. It’s very American and I miss it so much! :)

  5. we want more pics of your apartment!!! :)

  6. Hee hee… these are creative. :) Glad to hear you are back in the states lady!! :D

  7. that view looks so beautiful. i can’t wait to come visit! big smooch!!!

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