it was Carnival in the Rhineland area and I watched the whole hype from the couch on the TV screen :) I am not a big Carnival fan, so I am usually trying to hide out at home and not go out for 5 days – I had a good excuse this year, because Alicia got here last week on Wednesday night and it was so good to see her. We hadn’t seen each other in over a year, so we really had to catch up and talked until 3:30 a.m. in the morning ;)

So on Thursday, Altweiber we slept in late and then spent the whole day at home watching Carnival stuff on TV. In the afternoon, my Mom made “Mutzen” [or “Krapfen”, as it is called in other parts of the country] and my aunt came over for some coffee. It was a really lazy, but fun day. I was amazed that Alicia knew so many Carnival songs – she actually had my sister burn a CD with Carnival music for her ;)

Friday, Alicia and I took a long walk. I showed her Downtown Grevenbroich and we had some hot chocolate at a coffee shop. It was really great to just enjoy time together. In the evening, we went out to my favorite pizza place with my sister and our friend Ilka. We had a really great time. One of the waiters was really impressed when Alicia started talking in Italian with him.


Saturday, we spent the afternoon at my sister’s place. She had baked a cake and we had fun playing with her cat, Emma. In the evening we watched “Big Fish”. What a great movie. I like Tim Burton.

Sunday morning, I had to take Alicia to the train station at 11 a.m. and then I drove to Düsseldorf to meet with Kim :) I stopped at Starbucks on my way to get her a vanilla latte that she had been dying for ;)
It was great to spend some time with her and thanks again, sweetie, for the“adobe-teaching-session” :) you helped me a lot!

On Monday, I actually saw a little bit of Carnival when we went to my Granddad’s place to watch a small Carnival parade and have coffee afterwards. We’ve always watched the parade at his place on Rosenmontag. It s always nice to get together.

Yesterday I went to see Sanni in the afternoon. It was great to see her again and Sebi and she have a new “roommate”- Finn. He’s a Norwegian forest cat and so pretty! Norwegian forest cats look like this.
I can’t believe she hadn’t told me about him since Christmas (but she said she wanted to tell me in person ;)). We had a really fun time and Finn was so cute.

So, this is my update for the last week, I’ll write about everything else tomorrow.