Happy belated Nikolaus :)

Damn it – I missed to post on December, 6… so happy “Nikolaus” to everyone. Unfortunately my shoes turned out to be empty yesterday morning, might be due to the fact that there’s no “St. Nick’s” in the US. Oh well, I guess I have to introduce it.

My weekend was great – I slept a lot again (which is no real news by now!) and did some Christmas shopping at Michaels. A Christmas wreath and some accessories that is. I also getting ready to send off my Christmas cards soon.

Then Saturday I went over to Heather’s to have tea and brownies and watch “the Phantom of the Opera”. Heather claims that the main actress looks like my sister – well, kind of… I can see where she’s coming from.

Anyways, on Sunday, J and I went out for dinner. We really had a craving for burgers that night (oh well, so shortly after we watched “Supersize me”- bad sign!) and went to “Mel’s Diner”. I ended up having a Club Sandwich hoping that this is somewhat healthier than a burger.

We watched “Gangs of New York” which is a real good movie, although I didn’t really get the message. But hey, maybe there was no message ;)

  1. Happy Nikolaus day viel zu spät auch an dich! Meine Housemates haben jedem was vor die Tür gestellt, voll lieb! Hihi!
    Ich glaub ich guck diesen Supersize me gar nciht erst, denn manchmal ist fastfood echt praktisch…. Muss ja nicht gleich der neue Hardy’s (oder war es Arby’s?! oder wat wees ick!) burger mit 1400kalorien sein. Ieh!
    Drück dich Maus, ich hoffe dein Halsweh ist besser!

  2. HAPPY NIK DAY auch an Dich und auch von mir verspaetet *schaem*Hab meiner amerikanischen Familie zum ersten Mal den Nikolaus vorbei geschickt ;-)Und….der hat doch tatsaechlich was in die Schuh getan…:-))))Supersize me….jau…hab gesehen….will keine Burger mehr….*wuerg*Meine kleine Schwaegerin hat den Versuch mit den Pommes nachgemacht, aber die waren recht schnell am “rotten” LOL Naja trotzdem …bah…LOL

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