… always wanted to live in CA, I believe. Earthquakes have strangely fascinated me since my first geography class in 5th grade, so I chose Geography as my Leistungskurs in 12th grade and later went on to University to study Geography. By lucky coincidence, and I say that with still...
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This is the official term of my legal status in the US. Sounds lovely, huh? It always makes me think of little green men [or women] and X-Files :) Due to the Thanksgiving-weekend-with-Kim-excitement, I totally forgot that November, 22nd marked the first anniversary of my immigrating to the US and...
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I always thought I had a pretty ordinary name. It’s not that I dislike it per se, but “Sandra” was a very common first name in the seventies and with a somewhat “ordinary”, typical German last name, I wasn’t particularly happy with it. There was another girl with the same name at...
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A big plus when moving in with my fabulous roomate was the fact that she had cats :) I love cats. My sister and I were never allowed to have pets when were little. Except for two budgies that one of our great-aunts gave us for our 6th birthday, no...
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I was asked by one of my fairly new readers, how I started blogging and I think it’s a great way to introduce myself to other new readers that might happen to come across my blog through NaBloPoMo. I am aware that people start blogging for the most random reasons....
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