Awkward & Awesome

with her lips she said

This is a regular feature post on my blog. See the archives here.


  • Thunderstorms in June. Maybe it’s normal in the part of the country where you live, but it’s definitely unusual for California. However, I appreciated the cool air that the thunderstorm brought on Tuesday. One extra night without having to use the fan/AC.
  • So, when I am not donating clothes to Goodwill, I usually bring some of the nicer stuff  to Crossroads Trading & Co. to get a little cash (or store credit). What pisses me off though is that they usually only accept very little out of a full bag of clothes, telling me that some of the clothes aren’t quite in style anymore (stuff that is maybe a year old and in case you didn’t know, I have a lot of “timeless” clothes and I am by no means a fashionista). What pisses me off even more is the fact that when I browse their isles, I always find clothes that are exactly like the stuff that they just rejected 5 minutes ago. What gives? What am I doing wrong? Wrong shop assistant? Wrong day? Wrong time?
  • Buying groceries at two different stores and paying almost the exact same amount for each purchase ($18.67 and $18.76). I actually had to take a second look.



  • Scored $200 Michael Kors heels for $22 at the thrift store the other day. Very awesome!
  • My parents will be here in 23 days. I can’t wait. I am so overdue for some family time and time off from work!
  • My boss noticed that I’ve been wearing more skirts to the office lately. I find that particularly awesome, because he’s the only one at my office who always notices stuff like that…. like, when I get a new haircut and/or color or when I wear a new piece of clothing.
  • Inspiring quotes. I came across quite a few beautiful quotes this week on Pinterest and felt inspired.
  • Homemade pizza! I made some pizza earlier this week and it was easy to make and absolutely delicious! (Recipe to follow.)
  • Buying yourself some flowers. Who says you can’t? It’s total girl power! (And who knew that tulips are still in season around this time of year? Obviously they are here, but not in Germany they aren’t.)
  • The weekend is almost here!
  1. i think buying yourself flowers is a pretty awesome necessity i love. and i’m jealous you can still buy tulips (which are – as you know – my favorite flowers).


  2. I love buying flowers for myself too! I need to do that more often. I need to make a trip to Trader joes of Whole Foods, they always have pretty flowers!

    How exciting that your parents are coming to visit! You must be thrilled :)

  3. $200 heels for $22 – yay! And buying flowers for yourself is awesome! I should do that more often!
    And your boss noticing your outfits – how sweet!

    have a wonderful day girl!
    Hugs xxx

  4. I absolutely love treating myself to freshly cut flowers. Always makes me so happy to brighten up a room or two in our home!

  5. i can’t even imagine a thunderstorm right now, that would be so weird.

    also, homemade pizza? so much YUM.

  6. I’d LOVE to see the shoes you scored!

    Also,I do believe in buying yourself flowers… and JEWELRY! I love to splurge on a new ring for myself every once in a while.

    Your parents will be here so soon! Our countdowns are pretty close, I didn’t realize (I’m hoping for a July 22 induction!! ;)


  7. My cousins sell a lot of their clothes in a store similar to the one you mentioned and they never get much back. They are so picky with what they accept but I guess they have to be. I think my cousin once got $40 and it was by far the most she had ever gotten. Still, annoying when you see what you tried to sell back on the rack! Bah.

    And yayyyy for your parents coming. You must be so, SO excited!!

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