DTWS sucks!

Sorry, I need to vent. After last night, I am convinced the whole show “Dancing with the Stars” was a setup! I know most of you guys couldn’t watch the show, but I’ll briefly explain: It was the grand finale yesterday and there were two couples competing for the title of “grand champion”. One couple that had been favored by the judges all the way and the “outsider” couple which had a bad start, but improved immensely in the course of the show. The frustrating thing was that the judges -who had never given the highest score of 10 points to ANY couple throughout the whole show- gave 10 points each to the final, really messed up performance of the later couple.Not that I had cared who won this show as Joe was kicked out in the semi-final :( but this last show just gave the whole competition a really bad aftertaste. I was so disappointed. Anyways, enough of this blabbering.

The last two days at work were surprisingly “normal” considering that I am officially not here ;) I was wondering if I am supposed to pick up the phone anymore, but since I don’t really get too many work-related calls :) I should probably not worry about it. If anyone would ask, I am volunteering ;) although I was told they would make up for the hours once I start officially working again.

Last night we hung out with Aaron, Maria, Aaron’s Dad and brother (who came to visit). Jon and Aaron played some music for them, which was fun! :)
Then I had a nice long talk with Susi on the phone (I hope you’re ok, hun!) and went to bed way too late!  Oh well.

@ Cath: Thanks hun for your wonderful package that I received in the mail yesterday! It was truly awesome!?

@ Sanni: 25 days to go. wohooo! :)

@ Kim: It was great talking to you yesterday! Can’t wait to meet you :)

@ Ilka: Thanks for your call from the Big Apple :) I am glad you’re having such a blast! Say “hi” to Boston from me!

@ Uti: I am so happy you’re having such a great start in CT.

@ Ines: Sounds like an awesome concert! :)

Edited: @ Sanna: Sorry, hun, love ya :)

  1. And Sanna? *sniffs* Anyways, that really sucks about the dancing show!!! But I guess it does make sense. I mean seriously, it’s American television??:rolleyes:?:eek:.
    I hope you still had a good time and have fun volunteering ;-)!

  2. You sooo sweeeet!!!!?:yes:?:goodjob:?:heartbeat:?:love:?:littlekiss:

  3. So San – seriously tell us how you REALLY feel about DWTS????:giggle: To be honest, I am not really fussed about it – I mean Joe is out so who cares who won… now if Joe was in the FINAL and I had found out it was rigged like that… well then I would be sending hate mail to the producers lmao!!!
    Is it kinda weird to be volunteering again? What are you gonna buy when you are all cashed up when they pay you when you get back?? lmao??:lol: well think of it as savings??:p I wish i could save something but I love spending too much?:lol: I am sure Greg wants to take away my bank card now lmao??:nono: I know I must?be good??:goodjob:
    Glad you liked everything sweetie :-) I always save all my really good stuff to send to you :-) but shhh don’t tell anyone in the group lol
    I totally love the new look – those little stars are soooo damn cute and cheerful :-)
    Anyway love and miss ya like crazy
    Ps – woohoo for you and Sanni – 24 sleeps to go!!!!

  4. The thing is, Cath… I feel like the whole show was a scam from the beginning… so I even see it like Joe had a chance to win (because he’s a freakin’ great dancer!)… that’s what bothers me, not that Kelly actually won! You should read the message board on abc.com – many people felt betrayed by the finale!
    You’re so sweet! Your swaps are always truly awesome (though I hear that from everyone in the group *lol* )… I’ll be putting a goodie bag together for you soon!63 sleeps to go… oh well, but who’s counting?? {v} ya.

  5. hey hineybun,i was thinking who was the one commenting that fast. it was youhou. :-D great. no i am flying to boston around 6p.m. which is in about 6hrs. so i am still here until 3 or 4 i think. me idiot left my book in the plane. i go on leaving things in the plane. last time i gforgot my mp3 player. sigh. the whole dwts thing sucked from the moment they decided to kick joe out. sorry but true.well, feel free to email whenever you want hon.love ya so much

  6. Hab Dich letzte Woche versucht zu erreichen…weiss nu nicht ob ich die falsche Nummer hab oder du/ihr nicht zuhause warst/ward. ;-) Fliegt du nur auf Urlaub nach Deutschland oder komplett zurueck? Wuerd auch gerne….*neidisch* :-))))))Lieben Gruss,Tanja

  7. ?:wave: hallöli, ja das konzert war suuuupigenial! *noch mal will**noch mal will*… lach. dafür dass du gar nicht da bist, arbeitest du aber ganz schön??:wink:, freu mich dich bald kennenzulernen,??:love: ines

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