On a rainy weekend

It finally rained. This is a very strange winter, to say the least. We hardly had any precipitation here in Northern California in all November and December, which is very unusual and – honestly – very bad for California. We need our snow pack in the Sierras. Not just for selfish reasons (like wanting to go snowboarding again one of those weekends), but mostly for water sustainability.
So, to finally see rain falling down from the sky was a big relief. It’s been pretty chilly the last few days, too, and that gave me the excuse to snuggle up on the couch with my book and a cup copious amounts of hot tea.

We did have to run a bunch of errands Friday and Saturday (laundry and the usual runs to various stores), but also had some time to watch movies and to meet a friend (from Germany) for coffee yesterday. It was really nice to catch up.

Other good things this weekend:

a long phone talk with my sister ♥ getting laundry done ♥ warm, fresh bread ♥ warm socks ♥ pizza & wings ♥ sitting on our back porch enjoying the rain ♥ sleeping in ♥ scoring the #twookclub book for February on a book swapping website  ♥ watching “Black Swan” ♥

How was your weekend, peeps?


  1. I think you must have sent the rain our way! Yesterday we had three inches of snow and chilly temps and today the rain has washed it all away.

    Your warm, cozy weekend sounds wonderful! Have a great week!

  2. 99.5% great. I got to see Mandy and Matt for lunch, and Jack and I enjoyed just hanging out together. Only a small incident at Sam’s Club marred, what would have been a perfect weekend.

  3. Sounds like you had a great weekend :) Mine was fantastic, since I barely had to cook :D We had dinner with the in-laws Saturday, brunch with my husband’s grandparents Sunday, and dinner with friends Sunday – not having to cook means not having to do the dishes – which makes for a very happy Holly :D

  4. A weird winter here, too – almost no snow! We finally got some this past weekend, which was perfect because Nate & I spent the weekend at a B&B in the middle of Vermont. So cozy!

  5. Ah, sounds like the perfect little weekend of rest and getting things done. :) My weekend was a pretty lazy one and since my next few ones are going to be quite hectic, I’m happy with the slow pace of this one.

  6. You had rain and we got snow -lots of it! Besides a bad commute home on Friday, the rest of the weekend was a perfect balance of hunkering down at home and going out for Gavin’s music class and a trip to the children’s museum!

  7. It is finally raining down here and I’m loving it!

  8. Well see if you lived in Detroit you’d be getting nothing but rain this winter. We’ve had so much rain and mild temperatures I’m beginning to think I live in Seattle.

  9. Ooh I love that mug!

    Blah… all of the snow is melting today and I think it’s lightly raining out… barely. But I hate it, I would much rather have lots & lots of snow!

    Glad you had a lovely weekend! :)

  10. Your weekend sounds like it was soo much fun! I love having weekends where I get to fit everything in that I wanted to do, and yours sounded perfect. I tried to do errands and get things done this weekend but pretty much ended up watching TV the whole time. But for now, I’m going to consider that an accomplishment. Shh! Don’t tell anyone ;)

  11. Friend, that mug looks awesome. And I’m glad you had a good weekend. I did too, but it was busy. Spent it moving stuff and now my body hurts! But anyway. glad you had a good one!

  12. Du hast einen tollen Blog:-) Bei uns ist der Winter auch so komisch. Heute hat es zum ersten Mal richtig dicke Flocken geschneit, aber nichts ist geblieben. Tja… Vielleicht kommt der grosse Schnee dann im Frühling. Seltsames Wetter…

  13. sounds like a lovely way to spend a rainy weekend.

  14. i have to say it looks perfectly cozy for a weekend to me. sometimes it’s nice to just have an “excuse” to stay inside and get comfy. not that you really need one but you know how it is. when the weather is nice one tends to feel guilty about staying in all day. in california you don’t even have many crappy fall/winter days for those excuses, so i’m sure this was nice ;)

  15. I think it’s been a weird winter in a lot of places. It’s usually in the 30s and 40s here during the winter, but this year it’s been more like 50s and 60s, with random days of cold thrown it. It’s the opposite of how it usually is. I’m glad I got to visit Chicago this winter and at least see some snow. It just doesn’t feel like winter without it.

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