courtesy of Elisabeth
This is week 3 of Elisabeth’s F.I.G. Collective – Finding Joy in Gratitudewhere we will (be trying to) find something positive every day. It’s been another a rough week, which seems to be an ongoing theme right now and which you can tell from the lack of posts here. I wish I had more peace of mind to share more uplifting things, but it’s hard right now. Let’s see, there were a few F.I.G.s this week that I could identify.
February 15
I got to (virtually) walk with a Peloton friend this morning and while I was walking around my neighborhood “alone”, it was peaceful to know she was out there walking somewhere, too. This is not the first time, I felt this sense of community even though I was out there by myself. I have a bunch of runner friends that are always “with me” when I run and I cannot wait until Elisabeth hosts her next ‘walking club’ (hint, hint) :)
February 16
We’re down in Southern California again because my mother-in-law is still doing poorly. So we came down to support her. As already mentioned, it’s been a very stressful start to this year – personally and professionally – but tonight, I got to enjoy a beautiful sunset by the beach. Listening to the waves, deeply inhaling and exhaling, and staring at the beautifully colored sky was so calming.

February 17
We went to lunch at a local diner and they had the best complimentary full-size homemade dill pickles. I love a good pickle.
February 18
I’ve started making a cup of tea in the evening and it’s been a calming ritual these last few weeks. As much as I love my morning coffee, I really like a cup of tea at night.
February 19
I received a sweet text message from Anne which included virtual hugs. Thank you, friend, I appreciate you.
February 20
I had a bunch of work meetings and it’s been hard to focus on work and carry on as if nothing is happening when in reality, everything at my work is in limbo. We had another Q&A Session with our Center Director today and there were more questions than answers.
The F.I.G. today was the delicious Thai food that we had for dinner.
February 21
I went for a 45-minute run this morning. It was warm (66F, almost too warm) and sunny and it felt really good to be outside. I realized how much I needed to move my body.
How was your week?
February 21, 2025 at 9:51 pmThank you for sharing that sunset. And that message. My friend works for HUD and she is also really struggling at work, not knowing if she’ll still have a job next week or next month. It’s so hard to work when the federal government is telling you what you do doesn’t matter. Hugs. And I’m sorry about your MIL. I know you’ve been down there to help her a lot and I’m sorry she’s still struggling. You have a lot on your plate right now. Thank you for sharing your FIGs despite all of the hard things.
Michelle G.
February 22, 2025 at 9:28 amI’m sending you virtual hugs too, San. I’m sorry you’ve had a rough week. Hang in there.
February 22, 2025 at 10:14 amYour picture of the sunset and your run brought one of my favorite quotes to mind:
“The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea.” Isak Dinesen
I’m sorry you are in such a time of uncertainty and stress right now. This shit show is a lot, and I know it has to be a lot worse when you’re wondering every day whether you will have a job, whether your friends at work will have jobs, whether the work that you do is even recognized as valuable by the current administration. UGH. Hang in there, you have a lot of friends holding you in our hearts. You are not alone.
February 23, 2025 at 4:21 pmWhat a tremendously difficult start to the year. You must be positively exhausted from all the physical (for those you love + of course the upheaval to your beloved activity routines) and emotional turmoil. I’m so, so sorry things have been so rough lately.
Some weeks it might be impossible to find FIGs and if that were ever the case, you’ve been living those weeks lately, so I am just beyond honoured that you’ve committed to finding even tiny glimpses of light, joy, hope, delight, and triumph in the middle of some dark days.
Sending hugs.
Lisa’s Yarns
February 24, 2025 at 4:52 amMy heart goes out to you!! You were dealing with so much professionally and personally. You’ve been on my mind since I know you work for the government. I cannot believe how poorly government employees are being treated. It is sickening and embarrassing that we are doing this except it’s not we, it’s a small group of horrible people who are mostly white males.
I’m glad you got some time by the ocean. But I’m sorry to hear you were down there for a stressful reason.
February 24, 2025 at 5:43 amWhat a turbulent time. You’ve got a lot going on- thank goodness for runs and sunsets! Seriously, every time I see the sun rise or set, I feel a sense of peace. Remember what John Lennon said- “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” <3
February 24, 2025 at 5:18 pmYou’re constantly in my thoughts, San. It must be so unsettling to work for the government right now and to have so many questions without any answers. I hope this turmoil passes soon, but it’s hard to tell. :(
I’m also sorry to hear that your MIL isn’t doing well. I’m glad she has you guys to help her through this time. <3
Tobia | craftaliciousme
March 1, 2025 at 11:52 amBeautiful sunset. So happy you had that moment of peace.
Sorry to hear about your MIL poor health. Hopefully she is getting better soon.
March 4, 2025 at 3:33 pmSan, thank you so much for sharing these. You’re in my thoughts all the time. Your ability to find the good in the days when you have so much work- and family- and politics- and state of the world-related stress all weighing on you is amazing. I hope you feel the love and support coming at you – virtually – from everywhere right now. <3