5: Nauseouly optimistic

I’ve seen this phrase on social media a few times in the last couple of days and whoever said it first (I think it was Robert Reich during the 2020 election) perfectly captured how many of us feel today, on Election Day 2024.

I ran through my neighborhood this morning and my heart skipped a little beat whenever I saw Harris-Walz signs. I could count the Tr*mp signs on one hand, but I did not have nearly enough fingers or toes to count all the Harris signs. I know, I live in California, a blue state. It still made me feel a little better this morning. 

The funny (not “haha”- funny) thing is: we know that Kamala Harris will win the popular vote and that it once again comes down to a handful of ‘swing states” and the final count of the Electoral College votes. Say it ain’t so. There is something wrong with an electoral system where seven states decide the outcome of an election. It’s not right that someone can become president when (s)he’s not elected by the majority of the people. I wonder when this will finally be taken on by the legislature. This has been talked about for years decades and frequently boggles the mind of every other democratic nation.

This is the 4th U.S. presidential election where I can cast my vote. I always voted in Germany and didn’t even think twice about it. It’s what you do. But you truly realize what a privilege it is to participate in elections when you lived somewhere for a while where you didn’t have the right to vote. I lived in the US for many years without that privilege. I paid taxes and adhered to all other civil duties, but I had no say when it came to the government that represented me. Let me tell you, this will make you appreciate your right to vote really fast. 

I know that the atrocities in Gaza and the Middle East have been a huge issue for people, myself included. It’s horrific and unconscionable what’s happening there and I neither agree nor support the U.S. foreign policies there. But we don’t change what is happening there by not voting here. In fact, we might perpetuate it. We need to put pressure on elected officials to change course on foreign policies. Is Harris going to do something about it immediately? I sure hope so. I at least trust her to try – more than the other guy.

If I am honest, I am a single-issue voter. My issue is Donald Tr*ump. We do not change things by electing a wanna-be dictator who cozies up to other wanna-be dictators (including Netanyahu or Putin). In this scenario, regular people always lose. Here and abroad. And when we vote, we need to think about the vulnerable people here and the rights that are being taken away from them.

I hope that you have already cast your ballot or, if not, that you’re still planning to do this today. I hope you thought about how the people you love, and especially how women and LGBTQ+ are affected by your choice. (If I hear “but Tr*mp is good for the economy” one more time…).
I care about people, first and foremost. I won’t tell anybody how to vote, but I hope you come to a decision that aligns with your values and hopes for this country. And then you go out and exercise your right and privilege. There is really no excuse not to.

When it comes to voting, Rachel Maddow said it best

“This is not a spectator sport, everybody’s gotta play”.

I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2024
Links to the Participants List and NaBloPoMo2024 Blog Post Ideas! Happy writing!


  1. I’ll be watching nervously from Australia this afternoon (our time). Can’t even imagine how yourselves as Americans feel. I don’t really understand how it can be such a close race (again, after 2020 and everything that followed), yet here we are. Thinking of you all.

  2. I have to admit that I walked out of the polling place this morning feeling so excited. Turnout was great! The vibes were great! I’m in one of those five states that’s going to swing things and I really hope my state doesn’t let this entire country down. FINGERS CROSSED.

    1. It’s now Wednesday morning and I hate myself.

    fingers crossed.

  4. Unfortunately for me today (Canadian) today it is a bit of a spectator sport. It’s bar night with our friends, and remember how awful it was last time we were out and realized Donald Trump had won. Sending all the good thoughts.

  5. I hadn’t heard that term before, but it’s perfect. Fingers crossed!

  6. I hadn’t heard about nauseouslu optimistic either. It is an apt phrase. I am watching and am very nervous. Phil can’t watch so he’s up in bed reading. I am planning to watch until 9 and then will turn off the tv, go to bed, and hope to wake up to good news. But it is frustrating that this is so dang close. Barf.

  7. Commenting after what went down today….
    I`m at a loss for words. How`s that even possible? I feel physically ill #barf

  8. Well, we all know how this turned out. I really don’t have much to say about it at this point. I am glad that you can vote; my work hub is a Kiwi and he is finally going for citizenship (actually his test is in a few days!) and one of the reasons is so that he can vote. Obviously he is too late to this party, but will be here for the next one.

  9. Well, Americans apparently care about the economy more than people. I’m sitting here seriously grieving over my loss of faith in humanity.

  10. I don’t even know what to say. I did my part but it’s not like it matters in California much. I don’t understand it one bit.

  11. I was very surprised this morning at the outcome. Coach texted me. I really hadn’t paid attention to the polls, but I assumed he would lose.

  12. This is a hard post to read a few days after the election, especially considering she ALSO lost the popular vote. How in the WORLD?

    1. What Stephany said. It’s impossible to fathom this outcome. My sister also mentioned the same nauseously optimistic comment to me on Tuesday… and then… here we are. That many people thought this rhetoric and his incoherent babble that has nothing to do with humans was the better option? Legitimately do not understand this world.

  13. Oh, San. This is so hard to read now, days later. I still cannot fathom what will happen in the next four+ years, hope that we CAN vote again in 2026 and 2028, and still have no words (for this and other reasons). Sending you a hug. I hope you’ve gotten one from Jon by now. <3

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