Currently | September

FEELING | tired. I think “cumulative fatigue” from marathon training has set in and it’s a necessary and normal part of the training for long-distance races, but man do I want to hit the snooze button right now. The fact that it’s dark in the morning is not helping. And the fact that I don’t really have a lot of time to sneak in naps, even if  I wanted to, adds to the predicament. I guess it’s time to just push through right now.

READING | I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (for the CBBC). I am behind but I am determined to catch up and finish (but I am still waiting to re-borrow the digital copy). Meanwhile, I’ve been reading Hot & Bothered: What No One Tells You About Menopause and How to Feel Like Yourself Again by Jancee Dunn. Interesting stuff if you’re a female hitting middle age.

GRATEFUL | for the ‘Special Thanks for Achieving Results'(STAR)1 award at work. It’s nice to know when your work is appreciated.

EATING | cauliflower rice. We’re trying to reduce carbs in Jon’s diet and have switched to cauliflower rice as a side for certain dishes. It’s really good. (Don’t worry, I, for one, am still eating all the carbs, like this blueberry protein pancake (basic recipe here). I am even trying to eat more rather than less right now during marathon training. Haha. I didn’t think I’d ever have the problem of not eating enough carbs.)

DRINKING | water, electrolytes, and more water. Oh, and coffee. Always coffee. 

ENJOYING | the sunrise. I complained about it staying dark longer now, but the early mornings are still really nice right now – cooler temps, but blue skies and sunny.

(a little) UNSETTLED | by the news of my supervisor leaving our research group in November. The news came out of nowhere and while I wasn’t particularly happy with everything, I am also not a fan of change and a little anxious about what’s to come. I am hoping for someone new who is a little bit more engaged and focused on team building and career development. It’s always better to think positive, amirite?

LOVING | all the sweet mail that I received in September. It was a good month for happy mail in my (physical) mailbox. Cards from three Cool Bloggers and the lovely hand-knit pot holders from a friend in Germany. 

(stupidly) EXCITED | that I thrifted in my own home. I took some things to Goodwill last weekend, including a trash bag full of old clothing that I had purged from my closet a good while ago (even before the recent purge I mentioned in my Demerits & Gold Stars post). Before I put the bag in the car though, I opened it and took a peek (I just wanted to see what was in there) and my eyes fell on a pair of (wide-legged) black linen pants. I remembered those pants because I had them when I met Jon; they are 20+ years old. But guess what? Wide-legged (linen) pants are hip again, I had contemplated buying a new pair,  and I remembered how much I loved these pants! So I pulled them out, tried them on (they still fit!), and rescued them from the donation pile. And yeah, I felt a little smug putting them back in my closet. 

DONATING | a bunch of stuff this month. It’s been nice to finally get rid of a few things (like old running shoes, clothing, and odds and ends sitting in the garage for way too long) and I hope somebody else gets some more use out of them.

ANTICIPATING | an eventful new month. There are a few changes on the horizon in October. I’ll share more with you soon.

Happy fall y’all. Can you believe it’s almost October?

  1. A STAR Award is used to recognize noteworthy accomplishments […] either within or outside the scope of an employee’s normal duties. ↩︎
  1. Oh! I have a recommendation for you. It’s called The Menopause Manifesto by Dr Jen Gunter. It is absolutely excellent (if you haven’t already read it) and is a very balanced and evidence based discussion of menopause symptoms and how to deal with them, from a renowned medical professional. Well worth the read!

    1. Oh yes, thank you. I saw that book recommendation on your blog and have already put it on my to-read list!

  2. I am struggling that it’s basically October!! What is time?! I struggled with the shorter days while in CA over the past two weeks. The best advice I have is to listen to your body! Love that you shopped your own closet and impressed the jeans still fit!! I definitely have a bit of smugness when I see that I can still wear things I bought 10-15 years ago… though admittedly I am starting to worry how to replace those things I love when they wear out. 🤣🤣

    1. Yay for shopping our own closets. I love when there’s things that have stood the test of time :)

  3. Hooray for rescuing those pants. I’ve occasionally bought something thinking ‘This will go with that shirt’ only to realize later that I no longer have that shirt. I read I Capture the Castle after the book club read it and I was bummed not to participate in the discussion, but I did enjoy the book. Good luck with your fatigue. I love naps, but I’ve been powering thru and skipping those. I’m trying to get to bed earlier.

    1. An early bedtime is probably a good idea (better than naps) but ugh, you have so much on your plate recently, Ernie. You need early bedtime AND naps!

  4. I read Hot and Bothered and mostly liked it — the vibe seemed a little overly outraged for my taste, but it had some good practical ideas! Have you read The XX Brain? That’s another interesting book about women and aging — focused mostly on brain health. I thought it was full of good information.

    1. Yes, you’re right – it has a bit of an outraged tone, but also some good insights. I actually have heard of The X X Brain and it’s currently bookmarked as to-read as well. :) thank you for the suggestion though.

  5. I was thinking of you recently when listening to an interview with the author of “No One Cares About Your Career” – the author said that she found disengaged bosses to be potentially adventagous to ones career. That at least you are not “limited” by a micromanaging boss? But I know boss changes can be unsettling no matter what and I hope you get a better boss this time who is more invested in YOU.

    I am so interested in your menopause reading – I am not yet ready to do proper learning about this as I still feel so hormonally whiplashed from pregnancy but I am turning 40 next year so definitely need to start engaging with this more.

    Those “thrifted” trousers are so IN right now! Well done! And I can tell they definitely weren’t “in” 5 years ago. But probably were in 10 years ago. Funny!

    1. I agree, micromanaging bosses are also no fun, but my supervisor was also not helpful in getting ahead… so I am definitely hoping for someone new who is more invested in our group/team but not a micromanager. One can dream ;)
      Isn’t it wild how style/trends seems to swing back and forth? I am so glad I still had those pants LOL

  6. October what? I feel like the months just fly by these days (and that I never accomplish enough) but I also know that I do plenty and that I tend to put a little to much on my plate. I hope you will get an amazing new boss and that it will all be for the best!

  7. Look at you finishing ICTC! I want to hear what you think about it!

  8. Oh no! I missed posts again. I hate being so late to comment, but have to weigh in about donating and thrifting! I LOVE shopping my own closet. Sometimes I keep things for a few years without wearing them just because some part of me has a sixth sense I’ll want the item again down the road. Those pants are perfect.
    I honestly cannot imagine the sheer energy it would take to train for a marathon so you’ve got ALL the gold stars from me <3

  9. It feels so good to get stuff out of your house! But yay for finding something that was worth keeping! I just dropped off a bunch of clothes that Taco outgrew at a neighbor’s house last night. We received many hand-me-downs and it is nice to pay them forward to another family!

    Change is hard and oftentimes anticipation of change is almost worst than the change itself. I hope you end up liking your new boss!

  10. it’s part of the process, being fatigue, while training for marathon, it’s the adaptation process which sometimes I am glad to feel it because then I know i’m adapting and pushing.
    i’m intrigued about the changes!!! please share soon.

  11. Sorry you feel unsettled from the leaving supervisor. But who knows what’s coming your way.

    Getting snail mail is such a great gift.

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