September Link List

Around the Interwebs

Restaurant math isn’t working. Why restaurants feel so expensive right now. I feel like this article explains things a little bit (and yes, we do want quality food), but it’s not helping with the fact that a lot of people just don’t have the money to spend $60 on a dinner/person. 

The core “friend group” is a myth. This is an interesting read.

I had iron-deficiency anemia before (with no apparent cause). Take this seriously, friends.

Why aging comes in dramating waves in our 40s and 60s.

Don’t do it. Why Your Coffee Tastes So Damn Bitter and Gross After Microwaving It

Around the blogosphere

You can do it. I really appreciated Kyria’s perspective (and pep talk).

Engie posted not one, but two really fun blog posts about A Day in the Life of Zelda the Cat and A Day in the Life of Hannah the Dog. I really live vicariously through her as a pet owner.

I appreciated Stephany getting vulnerable and sharing her experience with panic attacks.


Ikea desk hacks. Did I mention that I fell down the rabbit hole of Ikea hack reels on Instagram? Yeah. It’s a thing. 

Fall Craft Ideas for Adults.

For my runner friends

What running a marathon does to your body.

How runners can overcome pre-race jitters. Do you have them?

Top 9 nutrition tips for runners.


How to turn any fruit into jam – no canning required. I wanna make my own jam again.

I think I am also going to make some Apple Butter this fall.

Five three-ingredient sheet pan gnocchi dinners. Yes, please.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. Don’t tell the folks who wrote the “gross microwave coffee” article that I reheat me coffee several times each morning. Sure the first sip isn’t as good as the last sip but it’s way better than drinking lukewarm coffee.

    BRB, I’m going down the Ikea desk and gnocchi sheet pan dinner rabbit holes…

    1. I agree, lukewarm coffee is even grosser – but if my coffee gets cold, I usually put ice in to finish it LOL

  2. Guilty on the microwaving coffee thing…meh. It’s fine and I agree with Birchie that it’s better than cold coffee!
    I used to always microwave it; now I’d say I’m down to 25% of the time which feels like progress.

    1. That’s progress, Elisabeth LOL (I prefer hot over iced over lukewarm – in that order!)

  3. My husband has been talking about that aging thing (40s and 60s) to explain everything about our lives right now. It’s because we’re aging SO FAST!! Also, it’s why he got rhabdo. LOLOLOLOLsob.

    That pumpkin butter recipe sounds so easy. Why haven’t I ever made it before?!

    1. When the aging “hits” you, you’re like ‘WHAT IS HAPPENING???”, am I right? (How’s Dr BB?)

  4. I so appreciated that friend group article! I’ve been deep in my feels about local friendships lately – typical after having 95% of my emotional capacity having been taken up with caretaking these past few years – and it is so easy to fall into that line of thinking that everyone should have the “core four” local BFFs that they are always WITH… while my friendships are just different (and that’s ok, too!).

    1. I agree 100% – friendship comes in a lot of different forms and while the ‘core four’ sounds amazing (I had that as a teenager for a couple of years, but it didn’t last), I think as an adult there are many different forms of meaningful friendships!

  5. I never microwave coffee because my whole goal in life is to consume as much as possible as quickly as possible. So it never gets cold! Also I may have a problem, lol.
    It’s so expensive to eat out. I went for lunch (with my core group of girlfriends!) and I had a salad and a club soda, and with tax and tip it was $38. And the salad was not that good! We never eat out as a family unless we are travelling or something, or if it’s a special occasion like a birthday. It’s an interesting article, and now I have to read the aging one because hoo boy, do I feel aged today (maybe it’s all the coffee?).

  6. Thanks for sharing my blog post. I appreciate it!
    Like Nicole, I’m usually trying to drink my coffee as fast as possible once it’s not piping hot, but every now and then, I will microwave my coffee. I think I put too much sugar and creamer for it to taste bitter HA

    1. Haha, that’s also my strategy: drink the coffee when it’s hot!

  7. I am saved from microwave coffee as I dont own a microwave. If the coffee is good I can drink it lukewarm or cold. Not preferring it though.

    I am craving some craft time so I will look through the ideas you shared. And apple butter… what exactly is this. It sounds like sugary apple sauce on toast.

  8. Your link lists are always SOOOO good! I love any IKEA hack site. I also love sheet pan gnocchi, it was life changing when I realized i could roast gnocchi! So cheap and tasty.

    The “core friend group” was an interesting read – I definitely am far beyond thinking that one friend will serve all purposes. It’s great to have different friends to fill different life needs. Maybe that’s just an aging thing though? I’ve heard “The Life Council” by Laura Tremane recommended as good reading on this topic too.

  9. I always appreciate your link list! The article about the changes really hit home – first it was the shoulder, now it’s sciatica and it’s been harder and harder to bounce back. At least there is an explanation for it.
    Have you already tried out You can upload a paper (or two) and they will make it into a podcast. It’s wild.

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