Around the Interwebs
There is something to be said about treating your gut right: 12 rules for gut health.
Have you heard of a reverse grocery list?
People share relationship green flags. Now, that’s a positive thing to think about.
Fridge hacks. Useful.
How to Fall Asleep When Your Mind Won’t Rest. We’ve all been there, right?
Words and Phrases to Avoid in a Difficult Conversation.
Have you ever wondered why Trader Joe’s doesn’t have a loyalty program?
What Are Your Core Values? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions. Food for thought.
Around the blogosphere
Elisabeth shared some great tips on how to plan and pack for a trip.
Lisa works in the financial industry and I always appreciate her insights on money matters. She recently shared how she feels about paying off their mortgage.
I loved Suzanne’s list of reliably delicious dinners and other culinary hits.
A few weeks ago, I blogged about 10 small, inexpensive things that make my life better. Stephany jumped on the bandwagon and shared her own 10 little things that make her life better. You should follow her example and share your own. Such great ideas that shouldn’t be kept to oneself!
Custom Stamps – Where to Buy and How to Use Them. I love stamps – don’t you?
So cute! Embroidered Felt Easter Eggs.
For my runner friends
When To Replace Your Running Shoes. What’s your strategy?
I’d love to try this Instant Pot Chicken Biryani (minus the Instant Pot, ha).
Soupy Tomato Beans. Yum!
Cheddar Scallion Sourdough Biscuits. I have a great recipe for cheddar scallion scones, but even better if I can use up some of my sourdough discards!
Do you love mushrooms as much as I do? Hungarian Mushroom Soup.
This Bombay Toast Recipe looks so good.
Share a good link with me in the comments!
Ally Bean
March 27, 2023 at 6:47 amDuring the stay-at-home phase of the pandemic we relied on a reverse grocery list. I didn’t know it had a name, but it allowed us to be super organized about grocery shopping thereby spending less time in the store. Our list was handwritten though– and in a spiral notebook like we were back in middle school.
Cheddar Scallion Sourdough Biscuits sound wonderful. Thanks for the link.
March 27, 2023 at 7:14 amReverse grocery list – genius!
I also loved Lisa’s post about paying off a mortgage. It really is such a controversial decision (I had no idea before I actually had a mortgage). There is no one-size-fits-all, but it is hugely validating to have someone in the finance industry take the same approach my husband and I have taken! I just…hate debt, even – theoretically – at the expense of getting a better return on a market investment.
And love, love, love the idea of green flags. Three cheers for celebrating the good things in relationships :)
March 27, 2023 at 8:24 amMy husband and I just had a discussion about replacing our running shoes, but we need to take the time to get to a store to try some on. I deeply regret my current pair because they feel heavy and bulky on my feet, so I’m hoping to get a more stripped down model. I just wish running shoes weren’t so expensive and that there was a shoe store closer than an hour away!
Also, I think I just have philosophical differences with the person who wrote the article about fridge hacks. I would not give up extra fridge space just because it will “look better.” I mean, 99% of US households have fridges that stick out and no one’s judging! just give yourself the extra space!! (Why do I have so many thoughts on this? I’m glad it works for their family, but it’s not a decision I would make.)
March 27, 2023 at 9:58 amI am going to make the granola with mini choc chips– thanks for this link!!
March 29, 2023 at 6:47 amI definitely love mushrooms! It’s been a minute since I’ve had Hungarian mushroom soup and I should rectify that!
That list of techniques to calm a racing mind is so timely. I have been really struggling with an overactive mind lately. Last night the thing that finally worked was going through the alphabet and thinking of book titles in alphabetical order. Whew. I haven’t had to resort to that one in awhile.
Thanks so much for the shout out!
Grateful Kae
March 30, 2023 at 6:56 amYou have some great links in here! I am rather behind on blog reading due to our long trip (though slowly working on catching up!), and your links helped me jump ahead to a couple good posts. :)
And I do not love mushrooms, sorry! I like most all vegetables, but I just really can’t stand mushrooms!
April 4, 2023 at 1:19 amI’m keen to try the reverse grocery list. I think it would work well for where we’re at with our eating/shopping at the moment.
Hmmm, a link … here’s one to make you ponder life maintenance tasks: If you were rich, would you fold the laundry https://raekatz.substack.com/p/if-you-were-rich-would-you-fold-laundry
April 6, 2023 at 11:13 amOooh, thanks for sharing that link about core values. I struggle to identify these and I know I need to do a better job of it. Those should be what guides my decisions on a day to day basis, after all.
Also, as always, LOVE the recipes you find and share! :) Craft-related, not so much for this non-crafty person. Ha.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
April 6, 2023 at 11:10 pmSome fun tips here.
The sleep one obviously hit home. I am reading up on the topic currently.
Also the fridge organization is something I will tackle some time in the future – ones we are actually settled somewhere. I am not sure how I feel about the reversed grocery list though… guess one would have to try it out