The 7th Annual Secret Santa (Mug) Swap 2022 – Reveal

I am so excited that I can finally share the 7th annual Secret Santa (Mug) Swap 2022 with you. Like NaBloPoMo, the Secret Santa Swap was well received and we had 18 (!) participants this time. This is a new record! Can you believe it? I am so thrilled that everybody received their packages and it all went off without a hitch. Thank you all so much for being great team players and following through! You made this holiday season that much brighter for everyone.

I was truly impressed by the thoughtfulness and generosity of all participants this year. I am still a little sad that I had to limit participation geographically, but I am glad that we had enough sign-ups so that everyone who wanted to participate was able to participate!

I received a wonderful package from my new blog friend Julie, who I am so happy to have met through NaBloPoMo. I was really touched by the fact that she paid so much attention to small details and bought a beautiful piano mug for me (see below) when she learned recently how much I miss my piano (which sits 6000 miles away at my parent’s house). Thanks again, Julie, I really loved the mug and all the other goodies!

Without further ado, here are the other mugs + goodies that were swapped. You all went above and beyond and put together some great surprise packages. This is once again proof that I have the best community here! Thank you so much, you’re all amazing!

I tagged the recipients (not the senders) of the packages in the captions. Maybe you’ll find a new blog or a new Instagram account you’d like to follow.

Elisabeth | Nicole

Zenaida | Jenny

Carolina | Meike

Jana | Tanja

Tobia | Andrea

Erin | Penny

Lisa | Amanda

Julie | San

Anne | Stephany

I hope you all loved what you received and you had fun participating in the swap! Until next time, friends!

P.S. I am open to feedback. If you have any thoughts or new ideas for this swap, please share them with me, so we can make this work best for everyone!

  1. I loved participating in the swap! Thanks so much for organizing. Can’t wait to do it again this year.

  2. Oh how awesome! I want to play next year :)

    1. You’re absolutely welcome to join :)

  3. Oh wow, so many beautiful mugs – so happy I was part of it again. Thanks for organizing!

    1. Thanks for joining again and making this a great success :)

  4. This looks like so much fun! Gorgeous swapping everyone!

  5. This was my second time participating and I LOVE it. Honestly? One of my absolute favourite new traditions at Christmas.
    Thanks so, so, so much for organizing this, San. And I love that you’ve provided a roundup once the “dust” settled.

    1. Love having you be part of this :)

  6. Thank you for organizing this, it felt like the good old days of blogging! I had fun with it, and am so glad you liked your mug.

    1. Thanks so much for joining :)

  7. That is a really fun tradition and a great way to make mew connections

    1. Thanks so much, Deborah!

  8. Thanks so much for organizing, San! It was so fun and it’s lovely to see everyone’s mugs!

    1. Thanks for joining again, Nicole :)

  9. Thanks so much for organizing such a fun tradition! I was nervous to participate in other years because shipping can be a headache for me, haha, but I am SO GLAD I decided to do it this year! I am so in love with the mug Anne got me!

    1. I am so happy you took the plunge and joined this year. Anne’s mug really was perfect for you!

  10. Yay! This is my second year participating and I love it. Thank you so much for organizing!!! I hope even more people decide to participate this year after seeing this post.

    1. So glad you joined again, Jenny!

  11. Oh San this was so so much fun.
    I am a bit sad that my originally packed gift was lost at DHL. So I had to repack and it wasn’t as beautiful as I had originally picked out for Andrea. But I am glad I resend and didn’t wait until it was found. I just hope someone enjoyed the stolen package. Who knows why they needed it.

    I love the swap. Not sure I would change much. But I secretly dream of a secret Santa book swap…

    1. I am so sorry your original package was lost, Tobia… but I appreciate so much that you went out of your way to get a package to your swap partner. Thank you, thank you <3 You know I love having you as part of this swap!!

      Oh, and a Secret Santa book swap... now, there is an idea!

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