NaBloPoMo 2022 is almost here!

Friends, I am not going to claim that I am any more organized this year for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) than I was last year. Well, maybe just a little, because look, here I am, giving you a heads up a month early! It’s something, right? I thought I’d try and get the word out a bit in advance this year so that you can make up your mind and don’t feel like I am springing this on you.

But let me back up for a minute.

What is this NaBloPoMo thing, you ask? In case you haven’t heard of it, it’s a 30-day blogging challenge first launched by Eden Kennedy in 2006. You can read more about it here. Once upon a time, when blogging was all the rage (ha!), there was a strong following with hundreds of participants, which has in the meantime all but crumbled and disappeared. Most people have moved on to other platforms or stopped blogging altogether. But I am still doing it, I am still writing and participating every year in November. 30 days, 30 blog posts. That’s it. That is all that is required. My own personal challenge every year – this will be my 17th year. Who says that we can’t keep this thing going?  

I might be the only blogger in the whole wide blogosphere who is still keeping it up (not true, my friend Tobia has been a reliable companion these last few years, and quite a few others joined last year!), but I am determined to blog my way through November and I invite you to join me!

I know, maybe you think you don’t know what to write about or that you don’t have the time to blog every day. It’s valid. November is a busy month for many of us with the holidays approaching and all. But, a little discipline has hurt no one and besides, you can totally do this on Instagram if that is your preferred platform now! And I know a lot of you post on Instagram almost daily, so you really don’t have an excuse. Also, remember that not every blog post has to be a deep, long, elaborate piece of writing. Sometimes sharing a picture or some random thoughts is all it takes to engage your readers!

Last year, I also shared a post about NaBloPoMo Best Practices, a list of tips and tricks to make participation more successful and fun. I thought I’d link to it here so you can get organized.


I hope you’re excited to come here a little more often in November and I’d be super-stoked if you decided to join me. Please spread the word and invite others. The more, the merrier! Oh, and please use the hashtag #NaBloPoMo2022, so I can find you (and promote your posts!). I’ll keep a running list of participants on my NaBloPoMo page.

Come on, you know it’ll be fun!

  1. I’m doing it. I’ll get started on a calendar with blog post topics this week to get ready!!

    1. Yeahhh. And I finally figured out how to comment on you blog.

      1. Oh, was there a problem?

  2. Sigh, I don’t have a prayer of being able to post every day right now. But I’m excited since this means that I get to read more blog posts!!!

    1. Cheerleaders are always appreciated ;)

  3. yessss. Lets do it.
    I think this year is going to be the toughest one for me to make it because my life is so darn full off stuff.
    But I am going to try.
    My list of topics is long its just a matter if I manage to write and photograph it all. But here is to writing a few ones ahead of time.

    1. So glad you’re not letting the busy season deter you. :) Looking forward to rocking this with you!

  4. I’m doing it this year! I think Jenny is too.
    I actually found both of you through NaBloPoMo.
    I’m excited <3
    I'm trying not to overthink it at this point. Since I'm new to blogging, I try to keep a set schedule (that sounds lame and contrived, but I really appreciate the structure – this says a lot about my personality)…and currently blog 5x/week. So…I'm thinking I'll just do the same + do some quotes on Saturday and Sunday since I LOVE quotes and never seem to get around to posting quotes! I have files full of favourite quotes and I could just list a few each Saturday/Sunday!

    You know what else is coming up – I really, really hope?! – your Secret Santa (Mug) Swap. I was JUST thinking about this today and hope to drum up loads of Canadian interest if you host again this year. No pressure of course, but I will be here with jingle bells and hot beverages if you do <3

    1. Yeeesss! I am so excited that you’re joining us… I figure, you blog so regularly as is, you should have no problem getting through NaBloPoMo. :)

      Oh, and thank you for expressing interest in the Secret Santa (Mug) Swap! It’s been on my mind and knowing that there are people who would like to participate warms my heart… drum up Canadian interest! I think I just decided to host again! :)

  5. So impressed by all of you doing NaBloPoMo 👏

    1. Thanks friend ;) you can join, you know?!

  6. Oh yes!!! I’m doing it! Last year I decided to do it at the last minute and I have no idea how I managed to post every day (but I did!) This year I’m already thinking about it and have a list of topics. I hope lots of people join. Thanks again for being our fearless leader!!!

    1. So happy to have you again, Jenny. You did terrific last year! You’ll have no problem if you’re already thinking about it and getting prepared!! :)

  7. I’ve never done this and kind of doubt that I will but I love following along with others!!

  8. I haven’t heard of NaBloPoMo (but I guess that could be because I’ve only been blogging five years – I sadly missed those golden years!), but I’m so intrigued. I don’t think I will have the time to post daily, but I look forward to having lots more to read!

  9. Yessss – I am doing it! I’ve been looking forward to it all year. It was so much fun to do it last year!

  10. I so wish I could commit to this! Part of me wonders whether this would get me back into daily reflections/journaling and then I could at least share quotes/ideas for the day. But another part of me says “November? Are you INSANE?” (coming up on end of semester, travel to a conference, etc. etc. etc.)
    I will continue to ponder, however! I’m impressed you made me at least consider it!

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