Five Things Friday Vol. 44

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

Phew, this week flew by for me. For anybody else, too? I was supposed to be gone for field work again, but the trip got canceled last minute (over the weekend) because my colleague had a family emergency. I am usually a pretty flexible person, but I am still a planner at heart so this change of plans threw me for a loop a bit and I had to figure out what my work week was going to look like. I had “mentally” checked out of the office already and now had to redirect my focus on some project tasks again. But all was good in the end. I had a very productive, albeit also very busy week.

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Anne shared in her recent post that she loves apples and almonds as a daily snack, and I have to chime in and say that I have been obsessed with apples and almond butter. You must know that at first, I used to think that this combination was very weird, probably because I didn’t grow up with peanut or almond butter, so that’s an acquired taste for me, but I’ve really come to love the combination of tart and crunchy apples (Granny Smith and Gala are my go-to’s) and raw, creamy almond butter. It’s been my afternoon treat for a while (and I am usually not even much of a snacker). I also realized, I am kinda picky about the almond butter – tried a few brands but TJ’s is my favorite, by far.

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Speaking of great (summery) snacks/light lunch ideas: get yourself some canned/jarred pineapple and add them to a bowl of Greek yogurt. Thank me later.

It’s a very light and tasty summer treat, but note, the emphasis is on canned/jarred pineapple.. don’t buy fresh pineapple for this. Raw pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down the protein in yogurt, making it bitter.

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I’ve completely fallen off the reading bandwagon again – probably not surprising considering that I was traveling for a few weeks and that I have been playing catch up ever since. My Mom sometimes read in the car or in the evenings, when she was here, but I didn’t have the peace of mind for that with people around. I prefer to read in solitude (except on the plane).
I’m still working on the Outlander series (got stuck in book 5) and will get back to it this weekend, come hell or high water.

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We don’t have big plans for the weekend. I am hoping to get a long(-ish) run in, work on some summer recaps, and as mentioned, pick up my book again. I am also planning to catch up on more of your blog posts (morning coffee + blog reading is my favorite!). Some of you might have seen the odd comment on their older blog posts already. I am on it, friends, I am on it.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

  1. My favourite almond butter is the Kirkland brand from Costco – it also is a great addition to smoothies! I love apples and I love almond butter but I don’t love them together.

    1. That’s a great tip. I will try it next time I go to Costco! :)

  2. I also find it hard to read over the summer – mostly because we’re so out of routine/up late and have lots of company or are visiting other people. I’ve been dipping my toes back into reading, but this has been exclusively after everyone is in bed asleep, with the unfortunate side effect that I am staying up WAY too late. Sigh. I can’t win, but feel like I needed to read again for my mental health. It helps me unwind. Something has to give – sometimes it’s reading and other times it is sleep!

    I am NOT a fan of almond or peanut butter on apples, but love those spreads on just about everything else (especially bananas). Something about the texture combo? But I know so many people that love this as a snack. In general I don’t like fruit dipped in things; I don’t like fruit dipped in chocolate either! The canned pineapple and yogurt sounds delish, though. I also like the almond butter from Costco that Nicole mentions.

    Glad you had a good week, though I totally understand feeling thrown off your “game” by having to reorient to a week in the office after planning for time in the field. I’m a planner, too! I can be spontaneous…as long as you let me plan the spontaneity in – haha.

    1. Oh, interesting. I could not imagine peanut/almond butter on banana… haha. Generally, I also don’t like fruit dipped in anything (other than whipped cream, maybe), that’s why I am surprised I’ve come to actually like the almond/butter-apple-combo.

      Yes, I can be spontaneous… as long as you let me plan the spontaneity – haha. So true!

  3. I read like I breathe. I can’t imagine just not reading for even a day. But I have been finding it challenging to find good books recently and I can’t tell if it’s me or the world. Ha!

    I do not like raw apples. This is a confession I feel like I need to make. I like applesauce, apple crumble, apple pie, whatever. But I will not eat just a plain, raw apple even if you try to make it delicious with some nut butter. I’m always a tiny bit envious of people who do eat apples because it seems like a nice healthy snack!

  4. I love apples with peanut butter. I do not care for almond butter for some reason! But it’s the perfect snack. I ate that very often when I was pregnant and following the gestational diabetes diet as you ideally need to pair carbs with protein and/or fat. So apples and pb was perfect!

    I did not know that about canned v fresh pineapple!!

  5. I don’t like peanut butter, but I am intrigued by the idea of almond butter with apples. I may have to try it!

    The last minute work change would throw me for a loop, too, but I’m really glad you ended up having a good week!

  6. Apples with PB/almond butter is such a good snack! But I can grow sick of the combo easily, so I can’t have it too often! But you’ve inspired me to bring back apples with PB next week for my snack time! :)

    Oof, getting your work assignment canceled at the last minute would have been difficult! It’s hard for me to change gears like that, but hopefully it all worked out like it was meant to!

  7. That almond butter with apples sounds so good right now. I have done it with honey but I have to give this option a try.
    I just posted about my current favorite summer dish and its similar to your recommendations. So I have to give that a try. I am usually not a big. fan of canned pineapples and prefer the fresh ones but thanks for the heads up here.

  8. Thanks for the apple-and-almonds shout out! I love almonds in their roasted, crunchy state but still have not joined the almond butter “trend” (side note: is it a trend once it’s been around for a really long time and is sold everywhere??). I grew up on PB (classic US kid) and still eat it BUT only natural, no sugar added, and definitely WITH salt. Picky, yes. :)

    I confess I was so confused as to why you were recommending canned pineapple. And it makes so much sense when you explained it. :) So thank you!

    I’m sorry your week was upended, hope your colleague’s family is okay, and hope that you get back in the field soon. Would you ever consider “taking us along” and posting about it here? I am so curious about what you do! (I mean, you’ve told us what you DO but I don’t know how that is operationalized day-to-day, I guess…)

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