Currently | June

HAPPY | to report that I am physically back to normal. No lower back pain, no neck pain, and no chest pressure for a few weeks now (knock on wood).  I am back to running and my full workout routine. Yay!

EXCITED | that summer is here. We had quite a few hot days here in the Central Valley, and while I don’t particularly love anything over 95F /35C, anything up to that I can handle and I love to live in shorts and sandals through the summer.

BUYING | a new patio set. We had been thinking about it for years, never pulled the trigger, because we hardly ever had company over before the pandemic and then the last two years… oh let’s just not talk about it. However, now that my family will be visiting, it was the single best reason to finally ‘throw out” our old hand-me-down patio set for four (which we put on the curb and which was gone in less than 10 minutes, mind you!) and get something that a) looks a little nicer and b) can accommodate 8 people. Can’t wait to use it!  

LOOKING FORWARD TO | my family getting here in a few days. I am so ready for a long overdue, twice postponed 3.5 week-long family summer vacation. 

EATING | müsli with yogurt and apples, salads, and the occasional waffle.

DRINKING | iced tea. Homemade.

FEELING | really good about the fact that they’re finally starting organic waste recycling in our city. I feel like this has been long overdue. It’ll be a little bit of an adjustment, but in the best possible way. I am all for waste separation and recycling.

LISTENING TO | a couple of podcast episodes. Me! I know! Unheard of! But here’s the thing; I spent a few hours by myself in the car last week, driving to and back from Mammoth Lakes, and took advantage of that rare opportunity!

SPENDING | a week in Mammoth Lakes, CA for fieldwork. I mean, am I lucky or what? 

COMPLETED | my first full month back at the office, which equaled three days (one day per week) physically at the office and one week being out for fieldwork. Overall, not so bad. 

WRAPPING UP | a few things at work this week, so I can close the laptop and not think about it until I come back from annual leave. I was going to have some deadlines and two more days of fieldwork this week, but magically, some things shifted earlier this week (fieldwork postponed, deadline extended) and things became a lot less stressful than anticipated. I like it!

GIVING | you a heads-up that July might be a little quiet on this blog. While I hypothetically do have my phone and laptop on hand, and while I hypothetically do have access to Wi-fi, I’ll probably try to unplug as much as possible and enjoy the time with my family. Go do the same and we’ll meet back here in a few weeks!

What is currently going on with you and what are you plans for the summer?

  1. After only visiting my family and friends out of state where I grew up once in the last two years, I’ll be spending three of the next five weekends there! I’m excited to see people and hopefully can avoid getting sick with all that travel.

    Getting work to pay for a trip to Mammoth Lakes sounds like an excellent job perk!

  2. Love the patio set, especially since the seats will soon be filled with family <3
    It always boggles my mind some places don't have organic waste recycling. It has been required by law for…at least a decade where we live. And we have to recycle paper products + plastics/glass/metal (separately), and can only put out one bag of black garbage every 2 weeks. We're issued a big green compost bin by the county. I keep small cardboard boxes (think a cracker/cereal box) or paper bags and keep my peelings, fruit cores etc in the paper box/bag in the fridge freezer (NO FRUIT FLIES OR SMELL THIS WAY) until it's full and then put it in the compost bin.
    Your food pictures always make me so, so hungry.
    Enjoy the time offline, and can't wait to hear your updates <3

  3. Yay for a new patio set! We got one a few years ago and I love it so much I just want to spend all my time outside in the summer. And hurray for out-of-town guests! Will be so nice to reconnect after years apart ❤️

    Enjoy that time off, girl. You deserve it!

  4. I love that patio set so much!!

    I really hope you have a wonderful time with your family. That’s the perfect reason to unplug. :-)

  5. Love your new patio set, it looks like it fits really well in your outdoor space :)

  6. Your new patio set is beautiful! We finally got one last summer but it took 2 attempts! We bought a set, the table arrived, Phil assembled it, and then the chairs somehow got lost? So then we had to give the table back but luckily didn’t have to disassemble it. Luckily the 2nd set we ordered came quickly with no issues.

    Enjoy the long trip with your family! 3.5 weeks!! You’ll have so much fun!

  7. Several years ago Calgary started organic recycling for yard waste and kitchen waste – our community was on the pilot program! I really love it; we only get garbage pickup every other week, and I am always happy at how little we have. I think all cities should have this program. I’m happy for you that you have one now!

    Enjoy your time with your family. I’m so glad you’re physically back to normal!

  8. Your family vacation sounds WONDERFUL! I hope you are able to unplug and enjoy!

  9. Ooh! Enjoy your family time! I’m going to Chicago in July to visit my sister- it will be a short visit but I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t seen her in over two years.
    Organic waste recycling sounds amazing. I doubt we’ll get anything like that here in Florida… at least not for a long time.
    Your patio set is so nice- you’re definitely set up for some fun entertaining!

  10. Have the best time with your family! I’m so, so excited that they’re here and you get to spend such a long time with them. Hooray!

  11. Enjoy your time with family. The best reason to stay offline for sure. And how wonderful that your work scheduled was -destressed right before your annual leave. Everything aligned. Looking forward hearing more about your family trip. And I want to see that new patio set.

  12. I’m so, so, so excited for you that your family is visiting!

  13. I hope you’re enjoying time with your family! Can’t wait to hear all about it. And love that patio set- it looks great!

  14. As you know I have LOVED seeing your IG posts on your trip/visit with your family. <3
    So glad that the Universe aligned things before you left to help you leave without feeling too stressed. Cannot wait to hear – if possible – more details. YAY!

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