What I read in January

Well, as you already know, I am working through the Outlander series right now, so my book reviews will be a little boring (unless you’re also into the series).

Voyager (Outlander #3) by Diana Gabaldon ★★★★★

In the third book, we learn that Jamie Fraser —despite his best efforts— did not die on the battlefield at Culloden, an assumption that Claire held for twenty years. As she, her daughter Brianna, and Roger Wakefield track Jamie through the historical record, Claire is torn between her duty as a mother and her desire to return to Jamie.

The first third of the book follows the stories of Claire and Jamie as they lived separately for 20 years in their own times. If I have any criticism about this series, it’s how long Gabaldon kept these two apart. 20 years seems like a really long time, for any couple, and to think that they’ve never really “moved on” from each other is the beauty of their love story. Still, I would have loved it if they hadn’t had to spend so many years apart. But I guess, with Brianna (Claire and Jamie’s daughter) in the picture, there wasn’t any other option than to wait for her to be grown up enough to be left behind on her own.

*Spoiler alert*

As you probably can guess (as there are many more books in the series), Claire decides once more to go back through the stones of Craig na Dun to find Jamie. As they reunite and reacquaint themselves after 20 years, they’re inevitably thrown into new adventures that take them to the new world.

Gabaldon’s talent to weave historical events and people into the storyline of this series makes for really interesting story-telling. And I know I repeat myself, but I love the attention to detail in these books. I don’t mind the elaborate, descriptive writing at all, in fact, it is what made me wary of watching the TV series, as I had such vivid images of people and places in my head already.

What did you read in January? Anything you’d like to recommend? Leave a comment, and then add me on Goodreads to keep in touch.

  1. The violence in the first book of this series really turned me off and I never read further. I love reading about how enthusiastic people are about it, though!

  2. I don’t read much fiction, but if I did..think this would be my type of series. And I’m pretty sure my father read – and LOVED – this series?

    I’m going to talk about the books I read last week on my blog tomorrow but, spoiler alert, Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig was my fav so far in 2022.

  3. So there’s the advantage of the TV show! It’s been a while since I saw that season but from what I remember they condensed the 20 years apart into a few episodes.

    The last really amazing book that I read was A Million Things by Emily Spurr and I’m currently reading The Maid by Nita Prose. The only thing that bugs me is that Maid reminds me quite a lot of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. On the one hand it’s not a problem since I loved Eleanor but with all of the hype I was expecting something a little more original. But I’m only a quarter of the way done so I’m keeping an open mind.

  4. I actually didn’t even know that Outlander was a series! Cool that you’re going through it and I’m glad you enjoyed this one.

  5. I typically read murder mysteries and thrillers, but I also read a work of historical fiction last month that I really liked: The Second Mrs. Astor by Shana Abe. It was beautifully written — about the love story of a couple who ended up on the Titanic, and only one of them survived.

    1. Was that a book or the movie? 🤣 just kidding. That sounds good. I do love the movie, so I am sure I would like a book with a similar theme.

      1. (Oops that was supposed to be a comment to Suzanne’s comment about the titanic book). This is why I shouldn’t try to comment from my phone.

  6. Still fun to read your enthusiasm in-between the lines here. I skipped the spoiler part because I still have hope to pick it up one days.

  7. January was a strong reading month for me. But you already saw my recap! I had 2 5-star books – Pony and When the Stars Go Dark!

  8. I basically had to skip most of this post, because I started the first book of this series in November but didn’t finish it- i think that was mostly because i was in my little “reading crisis” though, and I hope to go back to it. i don’t want to know too much about what happens going forward!

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