February Link List

Around the Interwebs

A must read, if you care about the election 2020: the disinformation campaign.

Also, knock it the fuck off. Agreed!

What if there is no swing voter?

Yup! Lessons we learn too late in life.

There’s more  than one way to age. How are you doing it? This is a fascinating new approach to understanding aging.

How to make hard life decisions.

How to Stop Wasting Your Life Watching TV and Do Something Worthwhile With Your Downtime. I’d like to state for the record that I watch very little TV (or stream shows), but I still found this article intriguing!

Why don’t people return their shopping carts? (Pet peeve of mine. Do you return your cart?)

We’re already throwing out very little food, but here are some good times on how to reduce food waste.

9 pieces of practical advice about bullying.

Around the blogosphere

How to raise gracious kids.

Age is nothing but a number. I loved this post by Angela and I couldn’t agree more with her attitude. I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. 

The 8 dimensions of wellness.

As someone, who has never been on a diet, I am super-intrigued by this book: Why everyone should read Anti-Diet. I am not sure if I’ve been just lucky, or if I’ve always been intuitive about eating, and I clearly feel like I can’t have an opinion about dieting because I never really had to, but I also believe that intuitive eating sounds like a really healthy approach to food and well-being.


Make your own DIY dish scrubber.

A colorful DIY spring pom-pom garland.

That looks cozy! The Home Girl Crochet Sweater.

For my runner friends

The forgotten art of squatting. I actually find it comfortable and should do it more often while I can.

7 tips to succeed with morning workouts.

Your guide to fartlek workouts.


The soup for mushroom lovers like me: Creamy Hungarian Mushroom Soup.

How to roast garlic.

Omenakakku – Finnish apple cake with herbs. Sounds delicious, Tobia!

Oven Fried Cajun Popcorn Chicken with Creamy Honey Mustard. These look so good!

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. You always share the best links! Really loved the one about knocking it the eff off. Though I feel as though it’s the democratic candidates who need to do less of the mud slinging in order to come together with a common purpose of defeating trump. I’m not sure why anyone takes so much issue with where Buttigieg’s $ comes from—if he stands a chance against trump and can get wealthy donors to stand behind him… why exactly does that matter?? We all know that elections and campaign trails require a lot of funding and investments. I’m just honestly sickened by all of it and I think a lot of people are this year, too.

    Here’s hoping we don’t have four more years of bullshit!

  2. I’m not sure why my name popped up as Charlie 🤷‍♀️ Lol —Charlotte

  3. Regarding the five lessons people learn too late – no. 3 on being present was a great reminder! I chose mindful for my word for the year and haven’t done a great job of it so far!

  4. I’ve been reading a lot about intuitive eating lately and it does seem like one of the better approaches to eating healthy. I’ve always struggled with weight and food, so it’s tough to find something that works long term.


  5. I like the ‘knock the eff off’ article. I really hope the party comes together and can defeat Trump but I can’t say I’m super hopeful about this… :…(

    I return my cart AND push all the cart to the back of the cart holder! Why is this so hard? I guess I get a feeling of satisfaction from pushing carts to the back of the cart holder. It’s not enough to just leave it at the front of the cart rack!

  6. Ooh, this looks like such a great links list. Off to read a few and peruse your blog. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Oh San, thank you so much for including my link of Omenakakku here.
    I think I never learnt the art of intuitive eating and I am working really hard on achieving that but it is tough. I do envy people with such a good knowledge of their body. As for the tv watching. I love doing it actually and mostly it’s not a wast of time to me. However will read the article, maybe I think differently afterwards.

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