July Link Love

Around the Interwebs

The Attention Diet. Check your own behavior, do  you do these things?

There is always a new trick to learn, isn’t there?  Gmail pro tip

How to use social media, according to a mental health expert.

Working with your hands does wonders for your brain. I knew that!

Smartphones are the new cigarettes.

How To Master Cold Emailing & Always Get Responses — Without Annoying Anyone.

The definitive rules of the road for urban cyclists.  Good advice.

Cool comparisons. Check these out.

How to prevent those annoying texting typos.

These ladies bought a house together for retirement and it’s everything.

Keep these financial records in your ‘go bag’.

Around the blogosphere

These five words changed my relationship. I am going to try this asap!

Is Renter’s Insurance worth it? If you rent, do you have it?


Brioche Infinity Pillow (free pattern).

Friendship bracelets. I remember those!

For my runner friends

Here’s how to get stronger after 50. (Not quite there yet, but it’s never too early to learn some tricks!)

Endurance Sports Nutrition: No you can’t eat what you want.


I need to print this! A magic grid of salad dressings

How to choose safer seafood. Helpful! 

Healthy No-Bake Peanut Butter Oat Bars. Someone recommended these on Instagram and I am eager to try them (probably with Almond Butter).

Since I am using up all the zucchini my co-worker keeps bringing in, I want to try this whole wheat chocolate zucchini bundt cake next.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. Those pb oat bars look really easy and good – and they are GF! I might have to try those. Maybe Paul would like them and that would give us another easy breakfast for him. I also loved that grid of salad dressings. I pretty much always make my salad dressing but I make the same combo over and over and over again.

    Phones are totally the new cigarette. So ridiculously addicting. I’ve been trying to use the screen time function on the iPhone to limit my use, though, and that has helped. But there is still room for improvement!

  2. Those 5 words is a neat approach to that. Could help diffuse a lot of worries too! Im saving the PB oat bars too. YUM! Have an amazing week!!!

  3. The Attention Diet is a great read! And I love the salad dressing chart, we like making homemade dressing so that would be a good one to keep around the kitchen!

  4. Thanks for sharing. I should really look more at that Gmail Pro Tip. I don’t use Gmail for everything, but it’s on my resumes, etc.


  5. “Get renter’s insurance” has been on my to-do list for at least a year, no joke. I’m not even really sure why I haven’t yet, as I’ve been in my apartment for about 5 years! I guess it was because of one of the reasons listed, that I “didn’t have enough (expensive) stuff for renter’s insurance.” I definitely didn’t know that it covered things like hotel expenses in case of an emergency though, and that alone would make it worth it to me. So yeah, I’m going to get it right now! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. These are awesome links!! Thank you for sharing—there are a few on here I’ll have to bookmark for later. Like women buying a house together (YES!) and curious about renters insurance. And yes to phones being the new cigarette 🙄😩

  7. You always have the best links and I end up in a wormhole of reading! HAHA!

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