Currently | August

(still) USING | my bullet journal. And I realized that what I love most about bullet journaling is all the space I have to write down things other than weekly appointments or tasks (e.g. lists, brain-storming sessions, etc.)

WEARING | my wishbone-necklace again. I had forgotten about it for a while and then I found it cleaning up in my jewelry box the other day.

READING | The story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg. Such a sweet, sweet story.

WATCHING | my water intake, because most days I do ok, but some days I go the whole day without touching my water bottle and then I think I have to pound 64 oz before bedtime. Stupid idea.

MAKING | scrambled eggs. I like them browned and well done. How do you like your scrambled eggs?

LOOKING FORWARD TO | the long labor-day weekend!

EATING |  granola with yogurt.

DRINKING | ice-cold chocolate milk (after my weekend run).

THINKING | lots of thoughts these days. Why can’t my brain ever shut up?

ENJOYING | the cleaner air. Man, you don’t appreciate the clean air as much as you should unless it’s been taken away for a little while. The smoke and haze from the wildfires around us was nasty, but I am so glad we’re (mostly) back to blue skies. I hope that will be the case for other fire-stricken areas as well.

(and also) EXCITED | about slightly cooler temperatures this week. It’s been so nice outside.


TRYING | to be present and content in the here and now. Why do so many people (me included) linger in the past or keep contemplating the future most of time?  GAH.

What’s up with you currently?

  1. I’m all about scrambled eggs well done!!! Surprise :)
    Can’t wait for Labor day weekend – took Tuesday off, so 4,5 days for me – yeah!
    Well, if you find a way to shut the brain off just for a little bit please share.
    Thanks for the water intake reminder… I so need to work on that!

  2. I just started a bullet journal and am definitely no artist but I’m taking to it more than I thought I would. Can you do an update on your bullet journaling (what is working, what did you learn)?

  3. I’m glad the weather has cleared up for you! These wildfires are insanity and so scary and sad.

    I can’t wait for the Labor Day weekend. I’m thinking of taking off an extra day to make it extra long. :)

  4. What programs do you enjoy on NPR?

    1. I usually just listen to it in the car, so whatever is on at the moment… but I’ve been meaning to get some programs as podcasts, like Science Friday, for example. Which programs do you like?

  5. I just had scrambled eggs yesterday- with onions and tomatoes. So yummy. Cooler temperatures and clean air must feel so nice.

  6. I like my scrambled eggs fluffy so they are probably not quite ‘well done’. I’m loving the cooler temps we’ve had lately, too. It feels so nice to sleep with the windows open and to need a blanket for a change (we’ve slept with just a sheet covering us for most of the summer!).

  7. I love your currently list San. I really need to try bummer journaling and I think I’m going to begin in 2019. Not sure I’ll be able to get it together before then and I still have one I’d like to use for the rest of this year.

    I like my eggs over medium, but I’ll take them any which way (lately hard boiled). I also had an avo mash with an egg that on cornbread recently—to die for!

    Yay for cooler weather and fresh air <3 hope you are enjoying the three-day weekend!!

    1. I love soft-boiled eggs. I dip my bread into the yolk. Yum :)

  8. Did my last comment go through (I just left a few and paranoid they didn’t post!)

  9. I’m a weirdo who likes their eggs a little bit runny. Overcooked scrambled eggs are a horror to me, but I’m also all about that runny yolk when it comes to a soft boiled or over easy egg. I love it!

    1. I like my srambled egg browned like a pancake ;) but soft-boiled > hard-boiled all the way!

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