Hello June

No, no, no. I am not ready for June. Where can I go and get May back for a little longer?

I don’t know about you, but this year is just flying by. I blinked and May was over (maybe it felt this way because it was a rather busy month for me). I am just hoping that June will slow the heck down. Luckily, I currently don’t have too much planned for this month, which I approve of.

Here are some things on my list:

+ Getting our grill out and ready for some BBQing. We’ve had this awesome (and easy to use gas-) grill for over a year now and we haven’t used it. I know, that’s really unacceptable. Share some good recipes for things to grill on the BBQ with me, pretty please. My favorites are sausages, marinated meat, veggie skewers and corn-on-the-cob.

+ I am giddy about the start of the FIFA World Cup in a couple of weeks. Will you be watching? I was never a huge soccer fan in Germany, but of course, I always watch the international competitions.

+ Until then, I’ll be watching the NBA Finals (Go Warriors!) and baseball. Obviously.

+ I am planning to do a lot of decluttering this month! It’s been on my to-do list for a while and I know I have to get on it. I particularly need to tackle my closet and craft-room.

+ I’m hoping to get back to baking more bread again this month. A friend posted a picture of German Farmer’s Bread (that she got at a Lidl on the East Coast) and my mouth started watering. It also made me wonder – once again – when Lidl and/or Aldi will finally open some stores here in Northern California. Sigh. We always seem to be the last corner of the US that gets new stores. (And no, I’m not trading in my Trader Joe’s. Sorry.) Until then, I will bake at home.

What’s happening in June, friends?

  1. I also can’t believe it is already June! This year is flying! I am working on de-cluttering my house and downsizing as much as possible. We have a new baby and it’s gotten a little crowded in the house with all of our clutter plus new baby stuff. Have a nice weekend!

    1. It’s always a good time to declutter ;)

  2. Mmm…there is nothing as satisfying or as hearty as German baked bread. It is so good with cottage cheese in the morning, or roasted with a bit of butter. Yum!

    I’m kind of excited for soccer too. It’s the only sport I can watch that holds my interest and I love to watch the German team (obvs)…

    Hoping to declutter, too. It’s been on my list for ages, but I called the veterans association and they are picking up some things from me next week. It feels good to shed that extra weight!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, my sweet San! I’ve missed you. Going to play catch up today :)

    1. OMG! I’ve been craving German bread like crazy.
      So happy to hear that you’ll be watching soccer this month! I am so excited.

  3. This year IS flying by! I would like time to slow down please and thank you! Grilling sounds amazing and wonderful. I could go for some good corn on the cob too, yum!

    1. I love grilling in the summer – we debated for forever if we should get a regular grill or a gas grill and we finally settled on a gas grill because it’s so convenient for two people in the summer and takes less time.

  4. Homemade bread is the best :)

  5. This year is flying by waaaaay too quickly.

    We’re really excited for the World Cup! My partner lived in Europe for a year and really fell in love with football then. Assuming they’re in it, my partner cheers for Poland and the Czech Republic until they’re eliminated, then he cheers for Germany. :)

    In the women’s world cup, we cheer for Canada, but our second team is always Germany.

    I really hope the Warriors can defeat Lebron and the Cavs!

    Good luck on decluttering! I love to organize and clean things out. It seems to be a never-ending task.

    1. That’s so awesome that you’ll be watching the World Cup and cheering for a European team!

      I also hope the Warriors can pull off a win against the Cavs again this year!

  6. Oh gosh, it’s crazy that it’s June already! I have a few things going on this month, but I hope it doesn’t fly by too fast. This year in general has been really fast. It’s so weird. haha

    Ooh I hope you can make some yummy bread soon. And hopefully you get an Aldi soon. I’ve never been but I have one near me so I need to try it out.


    1. I know, this year has been going by CRAZY-fast!
      Let me know what you think if you try out Aldi!

  7. It is crazy how fast this year is going! How are we in June already?
    Looking forward to the soccer – 8 years ago South Africa hosted it and we went to a match – it was awesome :)
    You have a craft room? That sounds wonderful!
    Hope you are having a great weekend so far.

    1. That’s so cool that you went to a World Cup match when the competition was in South Africa! That must have been amazing!

      Well, my craft-room is what I call our second bedroom. But, yes, it’s awesome :)

  8. As a teacher, I’m TICKLED that it is June! I’m doing some decluttering as well. This weekend it was the shed, pantry, my purse, and this random chest we throw paperwork in. :) I found like 15 Dunkin gift cards.

  9. Decluttering feels SO good. I need to get rid of even more than I already have!

    1. I know it’s a never-ending process! ;)

  10. I kinda looked forward to June – but then it is my birthday months.
    The decluttering seems to be a lifelong project for me. I just can’t get it done. But the closet is on this months to-do list and the craft room well lets just say if I find a place to put stuff down it would be an achievement…
    Happy June to you, Tobia

    1. Definitely a never-ending process. :)

      Happy Birthday month!

  11. I am super excited that it is June because in 4 short days we will be on an airplane heading towards Germany. Also super excited to be in germany for the first 2 WM games. I plan on going to one of the many public viewings. And I am looking forward to taking the kids to London for 4 days. My oldest is Harry Potter obsessed so he is very much looking forward to that trip.
    So all in all, I am so happy June has finally arrived!!!

    1. Oh, I am jealous! Have a great time in Germany!

  12. Girl, you haven’t used your Grill yet? Unacceptable!! LOL
    Can’t wait for the World Cup to begin ….. And who knows: By then I might have some co-workers who might like to watch the Germans win as well…..

    1. I know, we just never set up our new (gas) grill but it’s time! :)

      Can’t wait for the World Cup!

  13. Ah, there is nothing like that feeling you get when decluttering. It always feels so freeing! I’m excited for you to tackle it this month.

    I am also in shock that it’s June. What happened to this year already?!

    1. I have no idea where the first half of this year went.

  14. I just made a really easy and delicious shrimp and pineapple skewer recipe. It’s on fannetastic Anne’s site. It was so good and most of the marinade ingredients are pantry staples. I love skewers! We made so many
    Meals on the grill during the summer and fall as the recipes tend to be easy and healthy.

    I can’t believe it’s June either. But the last 3 months have flown by and gone slowly at the same time… which makes no sense, I know, but other moms have said they felt the same way. Paul has changed so much and the time has gone pretty quickly, but it’s also been a really exhausting phase since he requires so much care at this stage of life!

    1. Oh, I love skewers, too. I’ll have to dig out some recipes.

      I can imagine that the last three month felt fast and slow at the same time for you…

  15. I just cannot believe that we are mid June. What in the bloody hell?!
    This weekend I’ve got some decluttering and cleaning to do while Jeff is out of town, and hopefully I can get some some sun on my lily white belly. lol.

    I hope June has been good to you so far. ;) xo

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