Recipe | Kohlrabi-Coleslaw


Are you a fan of coleslaw? I find, people either love it or hate it. I fall into the former camp. I love me some good cole slaw. My mom always used to make it from scratch, so I am pretty spoiled, I guess.

I know, shredding the cabbage is a bit of a hassle. BUT, and here’s the big but, cabbage is good for you and coleslaw is not really hard to make at all. Especially, when you can get pre-shredded and packaged, ready-to-eat cabbage at Trader Joe’s (ha!).

I added kohlrabi this time, which I did have to shred, but that was totally worth it to me because I love kohlrabi and wanted to add it in. You can just go with the cabbage if you can’t find kohlrabi or don’t even know what it is. It does add a nice flavor to the cole slaw in my opinion, though.

Kohlrabi is also called German turnip (who knew?) because it’s apparently popular in German-speaking countries. It’s considered somewhere between cabbage and turnip. The name comes from the German Kohl (“cabbage”) plus Rübe ~ Rabi (Swiss German variant) (“turnip”), because the swollen stem resembles a turnip.

It is hard to find here in the US and many people usually don’t know what it is. I found it at the Farmers Market a couple of weeks ago, and a HUGE kohlrabi at that. At the supermarket, I sometimes get lucky and find teeny-tiny ones, but they’re a pain in the ass because you have to peel them.

If you are interested to know about other ways to use kohlrabi, let me know. I can share a few more recipes! It’s super-tasty uncooked as a snack food and the taste reminds me a little bit of (root) celery.



5 tbsps olive oil
6 tbsps white vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1/4 cup (or more) of half-and-half
a splash of Maggi/soy sauce
pepper, salt to taste

Make the dressing and pour over the shredded cabbage. Mix well and place in the fridge over night (it will soak in and soften the cabbage). Take out 30 minutes before you want to serve it.

This makes a nice side dish for BBQs, grilled chicken or sausages.
We recently had it with a mahi-mahi patty and grilled asparagus (see above).

I am linking up with Food, Pleasure and Health and The Fit Foodie Mama for the #MeatlessMonday Linkup.

  1. I also love coleslaw as long as it’s a vinegar-based recipe. I do not care for creamy coleslaw, though! I haven’t had kohlrabi in coleslaw but I can see how it would be a great mix in! Shredding veggies can be a pain but luckily I have a food processor, which makes it really easy! I will have to make this sometime this summer, maybe over labor day weekend at my parents. Phil is not a big coleslaw eater so I need to wait until I’m around a group that will eat it!

    1. Oh, yes, even though this has a little cream, it’s not a ‘creamy’ coleslaw in the normal sense… it’s very vinegar-y!

    2. I agree with Lisa, I love vinegary cole slaw (and potato salad!). I don’t care for it if it’s loaded with mayonnaise, so this recipe sounds really tasty! Adding the kohlrabi is a great idea, too! I find the best place to find it is at Asian markets. Some of our bigger grocery stores carry it, but I always find it at the Asian market.

  2. I love that this recipe doesn’t use mayo for its dressing! I’ll have to try it out.

    1. Yes! I love that it doesn’t have mayo, too!

  3. OMG, I love that you shared this! Kohlrabi always makes me think of my momma and Germany and her pronunciation of the word, which was always pretty lovely to listen to. I’ve never seen it sold here, but will have to be on the lookout. I love Trader Joe’s everything and cole slaw is one of my favorites in the summer :)

    1. Awww, I love that kohlrabi reminds you of your Mama and Germany… me, too :)

  4. I often see kohlrabi but have never had any idea what to do with it. I’m definitely going to try this slaw.

    1. Kohlrabi is really good, I hope you’ll like it!

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