Currently | August


so excited because it’s my nephew’s first day of school today. I can’t believe he’s 6 and ready to start school already. He (and my niece both) are growing up too fast. Slow the heck down.

sad that I can’t be in Germany right now to be part of the 1st day of school celebrations. It’s a big deal, every kid gets a “Schultüte” (see picture) on the first day which is filled with school essentials and also some candy and toys to celebrate being a “school kid”.

watching nothing in particular really. I haven’t watched much TV (or Netflix or Amazon Prime) lately, just following along with the news in the evenings.

reading Running – A love story by Jennifer Miller. Well, I finished that book within 24 hours earlier this month. It was a great and quick read and I really enjoyed it.

frustrated by politics and propaganda. If I hear one more Trump supporter say that they can’t trust Hillary because of her lies, I dare you to double and triple check the facts on what’s coming out of Trump’s mouth. 

drinking ice-cold Arnold Palmers. So refreshing.

eating seedless grapes. I forgot how good they are.

loving the cute lunch bag that my sister sewed for and sent to me.

enjoying the slightly cooler temperatures around here. We’be been having highs in the low 90’s with temperatures cooling off nicely in the evenings, which has been so great.

thinking that I might have jinxed it a little bit when I told you about my nice office situation a little while ago, because last week, my co-worker and I were told that we will have to move out of the awesome corner office that we currently share and into cubicles (without a window). Womp, womp. I can’t be ungrateful. I know, we were lucky to have that office in the first place, but it’ll be a significant setback to move into a cubicle.

deciding on a new running goal.

wishing that we got more vacation time in the US.  Anyone with me?

thrilled that my mom is back home and has been recovering well from her surgery. She still has to take it easy for the next few months (because of the internal scars that heal much slower), but overall she’s feeling good and that makes me so happy.

  1. The lunch bag your sister made you is so cute! Sounds like you both got the gift of craftiness!

    I will have to check out the running book you read – but maybe when I am back to running because I think it would be too painful to read right now. I haven’t ran in 6 months and I miss it oh so much. :…..(

    That’s a bummer that you are losing your corner office and moving into a cubicle. Womp womp. :(

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