March Link Love


Brilliant. Go read. We’re the shit givers.

This is what sitting too long does to your body. Good lord.

This is why we should do this every day: 10-minute yoga for stress relief.

What women find in friends that they may not get from love. Female friendships FTW.

Mental illness is a result of misery, yet we still stigmatize it. I thought this was a very thought-provoking read.

We all want this, right? The complete guide t0 breaking your smartphone habit.

Knitters, check it out: How to knit the triangle stitch pattern. Beautiful!

Lazy skillet lasagna. Yum!


  1. Oooooh! All of these look fascinating!!


  2. Lots of fascinating reads here! I read the NYT article about friendships and really loved it. She was interviewed on the NYT Book Review podcast and that’s worth listening to, too!

    The smartphone article is super interesting. I wish I had downloaded checky before I started abstaining from social media for Lent. I feel like I am on my phone way less!

  3. I’ve been a little concerned lately how much I’ve been sitting at work and brainstorming ways to combat it. The article you shared has inspired me to get that figured out ASAP!

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