Recipe: bread from the Dutch oven


This is my go-to recipe for bread these days and some of you have asked to share the recipe. Previously, I simply baked this bread on a baking sheet, but decided to try making it in a Dutch oven. I read that baking bread in a Dutch oven makes for a crispier crust and it makes the bread last longer, and that seems to be the case. It lasted for about a  week (until the last slice was gone). Obviously, it’s best enjoyed fresh when it is still a little warm.
I usually really like to bake with sourdough starter, but since one doesn’t always have that on hand, this bread is a great alternative and uses ‘active dry yeast’. You need a little time for this (since you have to wait for the yeast to work and the dough to start rising), but the preparation itself is very easy. This is a rye-wheat mixed bread (1:2 ratio), but you can also play around with a mix of other flours like spelt or buckwheat.
And now, get baking!

• 1 pkg (or 2 1/4 tsp) of active dry yeast

• 4.2 oz of water (lukewarm)

• 1/2 tsp sugar

• 3.5 oz wheat flour


• 14 oz wheat flour

• 9 oz rye flour

• 1 tsp honey

• 1 tsp salt

• 12 oz water (lukewarm)

  1. Mix the yeast with 1.5 oz of the water, then mix in the flour, sugar and rest of the water. Let rise in a warm place for 45 min (there should be bubbles on top).
  2. Mix in all these ingredients after the 45 minutes and knead together until smooth (I use dough hooks or my hands). Sprinkle with flour and let rise for 60 minutes. Then knead again and let sit for another 10 min.
  3. Preheat the Dutch oven in the oven at 450F. Crumble some parchment paper into a ‘bowl’-shape and then place the dough in the middle and allow to rest for another 30 minutes. Dust with flour before baking and make some incisions on the top (that’s where the crust is going to break apart.) Place the dough in the parchment paper bowl into the Dutch oven (careful, it’s hot!) and bake at 425F for 45 minutes, then take off lid and bake for another 5-10 minutes.
  4. Lift the bread out of the Dutch oven in the parchment bowl and let cool down.
  1. Well, this is just gorgeous!!! What a beautiful loaf!


  2. I really need to try this! I’ve said I want to bake bread at home but I have yet to do so. Hopefully one weekend when I have some time and I’m not super tired!

  3. Oooh this looks nice. I’ve had a go at making a no-knead bread in the dutch oven before and it turned out ok but just a little bit too spongy. I’m looking forward to giving this one a try.

  4. That looks yummy! I really love baking but try not to do it too often, as I am known to eat the whole loaf of bread in one go! I used to stand in line at Tartine after school because they would put out a limited amount of fresh country bread in the afternoon. Then I would go home and butter it up until it was gone!

  5. That looks so amazing! My gluten free heart aches for bread like that! Although my mom did make some homemade GF bread for me last month with a flour mix she made herself and it was sooooo good!

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