March Favorites


1. I don’t use a lot of lip color on a daily basis, but Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer (Watermelon) is 100% natural, keeps my lips hydrated and soft and adds a nice tinted shimmer. Nothing wrong with that!

2. I picked up this lovely set of ‘thank you’-cards by Green Inspired the other day at Target and, as I found out, their items are exclusively available at Target. They have beautiful designs, their products are eco-friendly and affordable. What’s not to love?

3. I’ve mentioned it repeatedly on this blog already that I have a thing for really good coffee and Stumptown coffee is hands-down one of the best coffees I’ve ever tasted. I just ordered a few more pounds from Stumptown Headquarters in Portland, OR a few weeks ago and have been enjoying my freshly ground Stumptown coffee every weekend-morning.

4. My friend Jenny sent me Das Köln Kochbuch (The Cologne Cookbook) for my birthday and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy (and a little homesick, but in a good way). I do cook a decent amount of German-ish food as is, but I love having this little cookbook in my collection.

5. This Gaiam Dual-Grip Yoga Headband was an impulse buy at Kohl’s, but I love this hairband so much. It keeps my hair out of my face during yoga and running and is comfortable and pretty.

6. I am pretty sure I’ve mentioned Bastiste Dry Shampoo in one of my previous favorites posts, but I have to mention it again because it is still my favorite dry shampoo. I love the smell, love that it comes with a hint of color (for us brunettes, the ‘white’ stuff can be hard to work with) and it really does a great job. I use dry shampoo the night before my 2nd day hair and it works great. I wake up with (almost) freshly washed hair.

  1. Good to know, I am still looking for a good dry-shampoo. Will have to give it a try. :-)
    You are using it before you go to bed? So you spray it in and leave it like that? Or do what exactly?

  2. I still have not tried dry shampoo! I have, however, switched one of those shampoos that doesn’t have a lot of those no-no chemicals in them. So far, so good.

    Love the headband! Very cute.

  3. I love Burt’s Bees lip shimmer, too! I love that it gives my lips a tiny hint of color, but it doesn’t feel overwhelming like lipstick does. :)

  4. Ooooh, those cards are so pretty!! Love!


  5. I love Burt’s Bees anything!
    And I think every woman should have dry shampoo at home! ;)

  6. That stationary is SO fun! And Burts Beeswax is my favorite chapstick ever. I have so many of them scattered throughout my apartment – I can’t be far away from it!

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