Things I love Thursday


This week I’m loving…

… the World Cup! I am so football-fanatic right now, it’s not even funny! Can’t wait for the next Germany game on Saturday!

… a surprise package with some pretty yarn from a new online friend. People on the Internet are awesome! ♥ Thanks so much, Steena!

… my latest knitting project. My aunt sent me some pretty long gradient yarn a couple of weeks ago and I have started working on  shawl with it. Can’t wait for the color change to occur!

…French Press coffee. Naturally! And freshly-baked croissants on the weekend!

… “Our America” with Lisa Ling. Do you know her documentary-style series on the Oprah channel? It’s so good. I love her style of journalism! Highly recommend!

… a clean car. We are driving an old 1998 Saturn and as long as it runs, I am not planning on buying a new car. I really also don’t care about its appearance much, but yesterday I had enough and drove it through the car wash. It had been so dusty from the drought conditions that we’ve been enduring here in CA and it just started to bother me way beyond reason.

… the cooler temperatures. And when I say cooler, I am still talking about “hot” by all standards, but at least we’ve not been in the triple digits this week!

… some fun trips this summer. I have a little getaway planned with J and then I’ll be seeing a dear friend in LA in a few weeks! Hooray!

… strawberries! Always!

What are you loving this week?

  1. Our triple digits are coming (July, August, part of September), but yesterday we had snow in the mountains and many people kicked their heaters back on and pulled out their boots and jackets this week.


  2. I wish I could send you some of our rain! We have had so much lately so places are flooding which is just awful! I hope we get a break soon as it’s getting old!

    Right now I’m loving House of Cards, eating meals outside, running in my neighborhood, hugs from Phil, and watermelon!!

  3. Super cute – Love the star shaped ice! :)

  4. I made your Thursday list!!! Woo! I am so excited to see you in LA! I’m counting down the days. Xo

  5. YAY! Glad you liked it! :D
    DUDE, SOCCER! Insane. It feels like I’m living game to game LOL. Looking to this thursday and hoping USA qualifies! I doubt they’ll beat Germany. So all eyes on the POR vs GHA game.
    I think you’ll enjoy reading Laura Ling’s book about Lisa’s capture in NK. I read it in 2010 and it was insightful. Interesting political scenes.
    I hand washed my Mini this weekend. Car washes just don’t do it for me.
    I think I’m going to stick to making doilies for the summer. I love lace A LOT and knitting it is impossible for me;i’ll either forget the row or lose the pattern page lol

  6. Hurray for pressed coffee and summer trips and clean cars, just a few of my favorite things as well.

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