15 Things You Will Never Hear Me Say

{Inspired by similar posts floating around on the Internet. I forget where I first saw this, sorry.}

  • I never want to have breakfast ever again!
  • More beer, please!
  • I think it’s too early to go to bed.
  • Let’s go bungee jumping, it would be so fun.
  • No bread for me.
  •  I don’t think I need another pair of sandals.
  • What’s the big deal about the iPhone?
  • I hated highschool so much!
  • I love bra shopping!
  • Why do people send me stuff in the mail?
  • Photos are for people who can’t keep memories in their heads.
  • Keep this Joe McIntyre guy away from me!
  • Why would you read a book when you can see the movie?
  • California is hideous.
  • Keep not using your blinker and running red lights. We all do it!
  1. That’s fun :)! I’d say “Daily showering is overrated”. And I’m off taking one…

  2. Hahaha, too funny! I agree on the bra shopping, bungee jumping, bread and early bedtimes. On beer and the iPhone – not so much, tho. ;-)

    Lots of love. xo.

  3. das koennte, bis auf den joe mcintyre (das ist ‘ne zeit die ich gerne vergessen wuerde, hahahahahaha) punkt, alles von mir kommen.

  4. Haha this is a great idea. I might have to borrow your idea. ;)

    By the way, I remember I sent you a banner for my blog a while back. Since then I changed my layout and I made a new one to go with my new theme, so it’d be great if you used this one instead. You can find it in the sidebar of my blog. :)

  5. Ha! Love this. I was cracking up reading this.

    Here’s one for me: “MORE MAYONNAISE, PLEASE!”

  6. Hihihihi! I like fun lists like this!

  7. Love this – how fun! I think I might need to do one of these posts as well! Hugs xxx

  8. Ha, cute. No sarcasm in this post at all. hahaha. I guess my only question is why your blog is the first place I’ve seen this post if they’ve been floating all over the internet?!? =)

  9. Ha, that is a fun list!! I agree with many of these, but one is that I actually true for me is the hating high school so much as I totally did…

    These days I feel like a phrase I will never say is “I love Charlotte.”

  10. my goodness it’s like i wrote this post myself because i’m pretty sure i’ll never utter any of these, EVER.

  11. These all made me smile. Love it =)

  12. I agree with you on almost all of these, except for “more beer please”! So you don’t like beer?

  13. LOVE THIS. Also, I’m so, so, so obsessed with using my turn signal and nothing makes me more angry on the road then when people don’t.

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