12: The long weekend


I had the most relaxing, lovely 4-day weekend ever.  On Friday, I visited my friend Susi in the Bay area. We spent the day chatting and took a walk through the neighborhood on this beautiful fall day. The view of the bay was gorgeous and it was sunny and quite warm, despite cooler temperatures.


I started knitting again (with four needles, mind you!) and I’m slowly getting back into it. Some things you don’t forget how to do. Knitting is like riding a bike. I see more knitting projects in my future!


I got a new stamp (and more yarn!) at Michaels. I am in full crafting mode and I can’t wait to start my batch of Christmas cards.


I drank lots and lots of tea. My new favorite tea is the vanilla-cinnamon-black tea from Trader Joe’s. Give it a try if you’re into tea. It’s very holiday-ish.

Other good things this weekend:

phone call with a dear friend ♥ warm socks ♥ baking ♥ movies ♥ coffee ♥ sleeping in ♥ snuggling ♥ reading ♥ a nap ♥ boots ♥ scarves ♥ a hot shower ♥

How was your weekend? Happy Veteran’s Day!

  1. I really want to learn how to knitt, it’s totally on my “to do” list :)


  2. Das Foto ist aber schön geworden! And soon you have to show me how to knit, last time I knitted was in seventh grade!

  3. Thats a cute stamp! I am never sure how to use them though…do you stamp it in black and then color it? How does it work?

  4. Given how cold Chicago is and given that I’m always bundling up, you’d think I should get into knitting, too. Then, I could knit a big, warm, fuzzy blanket, instead of complaining about how all our other throw blankets are too darn small!

  5. Ah, you knit as well! Awesome! I am guessing you’re either knitting mittens or socks. xxx

  6. I have been knitting more lately, too! I am currently working on an infinity scarf to give my best friend for her birthday in December!

    My weekend was wonderful. I spent it in Austin with a best friend from college. They have a 2 year old so it was fun spending quality time with her. I was ready to come home on Sunday as I was homesick after being gone Tues-Sun, but it was a great trip. I technically had Monday off, but went into work and studied for an exam I have to take next Tuesday for work. But i got to wear jeans and it was quiet so it wasn’t the worst day. And now i get to take Friday after Thanksgiving off instead!

  7. This vanilla-cinnamon-black tea you speak of sounds amazing. I don’t understand how Trader Joe’s creates such amazing and delicious things, but I love it.

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