Our East Coast trip: the last day in Boston

This is the continued recap of our 10-day trip to the East Coast … the other parts are herehereherehere and here.

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On our last day in Boston (07/08), I got up quite early to explore the city a little bit on my own. I knew that J wasn’t particularly interested in following me around while I was taking a gazillion of photos, so I let him sleep in a bit. I walked out of the hotel and down Boylston Street and captured some beautiful morning photos.



Copley Square


Trinity Church and Hancock Tower


Old South Church


Boston Public Library


Hancock Tower


Boylston Street

Around noon, I picked up J at the hotel, we got coffee and some breakfast at our little coffeeshop and then headed down to the harbor, because we had decided to do a “Harbor and Charles River & Locks Tour” – the best way to get beautiful views of the skyline.







Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge


Charles River




Longfellow Bridge


USS Constitution



Museum of Science


We made it back to Boston Common around 4:30 p.m. and had some coffee at the park.


Park Street Church


coffee in the park

Then we headed to the Prudential Center. I wanted to go up there for the beautiful view really badly and we decided that we’d rather spend some money on some drinks at the  ‘Top of the Hub’, then pay the entrance fee for the Skywalk Observatory (one story below).


Prudential Center


view from the Pru


We got a great table right along the window front. The Pomegranate Mojito was so good and and we enjoyed a beautiful view over the city.


at the Prudential  ‘Top of the Hub’.


view from the Pru




The First Church of Christ


We later had a quick late night dinner at the Boston Hard Rock (classy!) and then headed back to the hotel, since we had an early flight on Monday morning.

We had a fantastic time in Boston. It once again proved to me why I call it one of the greatest cities in the world. I really didn’t want to leave and I am sure I’ll be back!

  1. Soooo nice. The pictures are beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous photos. Now I really want to go to Boston!

  3. Your photos are just amazing!! Boston is a favorite of my family’s as well, although I haven’t ever been. I really need to make the trip out there one of these days!

  4. Unless I get a call to care for elderly parents, I have vowed never to live in Boston again. That said, it’s a fun city to visit. Your pictures prove it!

  5. Those pictures are SO beautiful. I really can not wait to visit Boston. I want to get there this fall, but am running out of time!! I know that sounds silly to say since it’s not even fall yet, but my schedule is filling up so so fast!

  6. Wonderful photos – such a wonderful trip! xxx

  7. Absolutely love your pictures, looks like such a great trip and just keeps getting me excited for my trip there in October!

  8. I love it when tall buildings also have bars – I’d almost always rather spend the money on a drink than on an entrance fee, plus it’s nice to have a reason to just sit and relax and take in the view for a bit.

  9. Copley Square is so cute with the bronze animals, C would love that. Great pictures, makes me want to visit there!

  10. All the pictures are really amazing…Hope to visit also this place a lot of beautiful place in here..

  11. Oh hai there. let’s travel together. Mmkay, see you at the airport!

  12. Oh, I miss Boston so much. All I wanted was to live there…

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