On the post-vacation blues


I am back from our trip to the East Coast!

But I honestly don’t know where to begin.

On one hand, I am so excited to tell you about my trip , on the other hand, my motivation to accept reality, go back to work, sit down and dive back into the online world instead of having real face-to-face conversations is pretty low. Don’t get me wrong, I love the online interaction. That’s how I met many, many of you. But I had no idea that it would be such a nice and unexpected surprise for me to enjoy being (almost) completely unplugged for the last 10 days (except for some sharing of photos and anecdotes with those of you who are my friends on Facebook and Instagram) and actually turning some of my URL friends into IRL friends.

During our 10 days on the East Coast, we met up with 5 of my friends – 1 IRL friend (plus her husband and daughter) and 4 URL-turned-into-IRL-friends. It was such a lovely time. On top of that, I also got some quality time with my husband which was wonderful and much needed as well.

I didn’t even check Twitter at all, even though I had created a “priority list” of people I did want to keep up with while being away, but nope. Even that didn’t happen. And I was ok with it. As much as I enjoy Twitter interaction on a daily basis, I realized: people will still be there when I get back!

Pictures need to be edited and uploaded and recaps will have to be written and I hope I get to it very soon. For now, I am trying to catch up on work and household chores and try not to think about how much I wish I was still on vacation.

How have you all been, lovelies?


  1. Ug. I know the feeling! I still have not done my Oregon recap, because I somehow feel like summing it up makes it smaller, or less than it was. Do you know what I mean?

  2. Welcome back. Wasn’t it nice to be “unplugged” for a while? I enjoy that on any of our trips!

  3. Awww, I’m so glad you had such a wonderful time on the East Coast. I totally know what you mean – the importance of spending face-to-face time with others. And, I love our comment about Twitter: I realized: people will still be there when I get back! Imagine how I feel not being on Twitter … ever! =) Welcome back!

  4. I’m so glad that you had such a great time away! It sounds like you really needed a little time offline- and like maybe this could have you frame your online life a little differently. It can be a great escape, but sometimes it’s overwhelming- unless you take that “people will be here when I get back!” lesson to heart. It’s so freeing! :)

    I hope that you take your time and dive in when you’re excited about it! Until then, you can decompress from your trip and relax before your normal routine kicks back in.

  5. Oh I feel the same way… I got back from Miami and still feel like I wish I was there instead of here. It will pass, I guess. For now, welcome back!

  6. So good to have you back, I really missed you! I totally know how you feel, it’s hard to go on with life after such a lovely break! Take your time! Hugs xxx

  7. I think these breaks are really healthy! They help keep everything in perspective and are a great reminder of which social media friends mean the most to you and really add to your life. I know that might sound bad but we cannot possibly be friends with everyone, no matter how much we wish we could!

  8. Glad to hear you had such a fun time and enjoyed your break from the Internet. Can’t wait to read all about your trip!

  9. I’m glad you had such a fun trip. Unplugging, especially while on vacation, feels SO nice. But then it’s hard to get back in the swing of things.

    I can’t wait to hear ALL about everything you saw and did!

  10. I always get the sads when something fun is over. I have since I was a kid. Kinda ruins things, so I’m trying to work on it. Can’t wait to hear about your trip!

  11. I know how you feel. Getting back from vacation is always so hard.
    And of course even harder when it was such a special one where you met up with so many people.

  12. Welcome back! I can’t wait to read all about your adventure. I was following on Instagram and it looked like you had a great time!

  13. Welcome back to the online world! I am soooo thrilled to have spent some time with you while you were on the east coast. I wish we could be in real life friends ALL THE TIME!

  14. Welcome home darling! Post-vacation blues are the absolute worst, but I hope that blogging about it, looking at photos & sharing with friends helps a little :)

    I’m not looking forward to those post-vacation blues very much to be honest, but I find that setting up other things (even little!) to look forward to helps too. But we’ve had big talks about this so I know that you know what I mean. Was that confusing? LOL. Anyway. I missed you on my internet! I can’t keep up a whole lot but every now and then I check blogs and it’s nice to see you back in my Reader!!

  15. I know what you mean, though I haven’t been on a real vacation in so long (4 years!) that I don’t really remember how it feels! I can’t wait to see the pics :)

  16. I am glad you had a great time! It is hard to bounce back from an awesome vacation. I was so sad when I said good bye to Amber, I actually cried. And I am not a crier! I just had such an amazing time with her, I was sad to see our time together end. But I have plans to visit her next summer and then she is coming to Chicago to run the marathon with me, so we have future plans to look forward to. :)

    I am glad you enjoyed being unplugged – I loved it as well! And that is awesome you were able to see so many ppl!

  17. Oh, I can totally understand what you’re talking about. I mean, I’m having the same issues since back in March. But who knows, maybe we’ll be ready to blog again one day? :)
    I’m happy to hear that your vacation was perfect and wonderful. :) One day I want to travel to the East Coast of the US as well…

    Feel hugged! xo.

  18. I always get the post vacation blues and half the time I get stuck with an awful cold too. I think I go all out during a vacation and then coming home, as nice as it is to sleep in my own bed and cuddle my critters, just isn’t as exciting as exploring new places.

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