Friday Link Love


The job problem: stop worrying and start doing by Sarah (It starts with). Actions speak louder than words.

A perfectly imperfect marriage by Caiti (Life is a canvas via Stratejoy). Interesting view at marriage through a different lens

15 ways to stay married for 15 years by Lydia Netzer (via Huffington Post). Do you agree with this?

Mine by Nilsa (Somi speaks). About giving proper credit.

Let’s stop pretending it is always easy by Sarah (Yes and Yes). This!

On taking a break by Ashley (Our little apartment). Have you taken a social media break before? Would you consider it?



Are there any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?

Happy Friday, peeps!


  1. Interesting article about long-lasting marriages. I don’t agree with everything she says (in fact, Sweets and I find it really important NOT to go to bed angry), she does have some interesting points. I especially liked #10, stop thinking temporarily. Gosh, that is SO TRUE … I think it’s great advice to give anyone who is recently married (and by “recently” I mean in the last 5 years)!!!

    Also loved Ashley’s article about taking a social media break. I try to turn off my computer every Friday after work and leave it off until I return to work on Monday. It limits me to iPhone interactions … and, I have limited tolerance for the iPhone, which means I don’t read blogs on the weekends, I don’t write blog posts, I tend to skim Facebook and generally stay away from the Internet (unless Sweets and I are trying to settle a dispute that only Google can resolve)!

    PS – as always, thanks for the link love. =)

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  3. Lots of great things to link to – thanks for sharing, as always!

    I have not taken a formal break from social media, but I have not been on twitter or facebook as much on the weekends lately. I think a full break would be nice, though. I will probably take a break when I go to Canada for Amber’s wedding. I will put my phone on airplane mode so unless I Have access to wifi, I’ll won’t be in contact with the internet. Which will be nice!

  4. I love your link love posts! Do you write those links down so you don’t forget them? I should do the same!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend! I enjoyed our chat the other night!! Hugs xxx

  5. Great list! And I especially enjoyed the post about her month long break from social media!! I for one DO NOT miss twitter. It’s been 3 weeks since I quit and I find I am so happy that I’m not tweeting 24/7.

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