2012 in pictures: week 20

2012 in pictures: week 20

pizza // new hair color // TJ’s //
green // Southwest // Yosemite from the plane //
Lazy Dog Café // oysters // Ventura Pier //

  1. Would you believe that my first time to Trader’s Joe was just a month ago? It was! I live in Utah and we don’t have any T.J.s so I finally got to experience why it is so great when I was in California last month. And all you bloggers are right- it’s awesome!

    new follower :)

  2. Would you believe I haven’t been to trader joe’s in probably over 2 years? ;) It makes your weekly photo recap pretty frequently, it seems. I love the place, but there aren’t any close to where I live unfortunately!

    And yum – fresh oysters! I love oysters!!!

  3. You are so cute!! Love the pics!xxx

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