Friday Link Love

Extragr.amdid you know you can look at and comment on instragram pictures online?

Woman vs. Woman – why can’t we all just get along? by Kym (xokym) I couldn’t agree more.

Free Blog Planner Downloads and Printables by Claire (Heart Handmade UK). Everyone loves some help with organization, right?

B*tch stole my content! Plagiarism: How to Deal with a Thief by V (Grit and Glamour). Must read.

Other people’s love stories by Eleni (Eleni Zoe). Loved this post.

Advice for bloggers: What’s worked for me by Alycia (The Curious Pug). I like those kind of posts. Not everything will apply to everyone, but it’s good advice from a fellow blogger.

French Onion Soup by Nicole (Busy Girl). I loooove French Onion Soup, don’t you?


Are there any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?
Happy Friday, peeps!

  1. Such great links! I love this feature! (And thanks for including me too.)

  2. Thank you so much for the inclusion!!

  3. Love that first one, I was using another one, but this one is better. We have been liking our photos on Instagram a lot recently and I just wanted to stop by and comment. I read every one of your blog posts, but I have been remiss in actually commenting! I do like our Friday Link Love series and usually find someone new to add to my RSS every week!

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